Shahid Beheshti University Ranked 301-350 Globally in Times Interdisciplinary Sciences Rankings


According to the latest results of the Times Interdisciplinary Sciences Rankings, Shahid Beheshti University ranks 301-350 globally and 7th among 24 Iranian universities in this category.

The Times Ranking System is one of the most reputable international ranking systems, evaluating the world's top universities annually across various rankings (global, regional, by field, etc.). This year, for the first time, it has ranked universities based on their focus on interdisciplinary sciences. The purpose of this ranking is to establish a method for measuring universities' participation and commitment to interdisciplinary sciences.

 In this ranking, universities worldwide are assessed based on three dimensions—inputs, processes, and outputs—using 11 quantitative metrics. According to the latest results, this platform has published the global list of top universities for 2024–2025, ranking 749 universities from 92 countries. The data sources for this ranking system include self-reported university data, Scopus databases, and surveys of researchers worldwide.

 The publications evaluated include journal articles, review papers, conference papers, books, and book chapters within a five-year timeframe (2019–2023). Additionally, the ranking examines articles published in Scopus-indexed journals (2019–2023) that were cited during the 2019–2024 period. The self-reported data from universities pertains to their performance in 2022.

 The metrics used in this ranking system include: 1. Inputs (19% weight): Interdisciplinary research income and income from industry collaboration in interdisciplinary sciences. 2. Processes (16% weight): Measurement of achievements, availability of physical facilities, administrative support, and improvement processes. 3. Outputs (65% weight): Number of interdisciplinary research publications, proportion of interdisciplinary research publications, degree of interdisciplinary citations, quality of interdisciplinary research, and reputation.


Performance of Shahid Beheshti University in Various Indicators of Times Interdisciplinary Sciences Rankings in Iran


Input Criteria

Process Criteria

Output Criteria





In this ranking, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, and the National University of Singapore have secured the first, second, and third global positions, respectively.