Abbas Mirzaei

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-02-21

Abbas Mirzaei

Department of Islamic Teachings /

Journal Papers

  1. "spektrumiran"
    Hossein Naeim Abad, Abbas Mirzaei
    Spektrum Iran, Vol. 37, pp.220-243, 2024
  2. "Theoretical Challenges in Early Shi?i Theology: Methodological Background of an Early Collapse"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    JOURNAL OF SHIA ISLAMIC STUDIES, Vol. 10, pp.411-435, 2020
  3. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei, Balvardi Ali
    Vol. 13, pp.111-126, 2023
  4. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 13, pp.5-24, 2023
  5. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 12, pp.29-46, 2023
  6. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei, Nazanin Ahmadi
    Vol. 27, pp.127-157, 2023
  7. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 4, pp.7-26, 2023
  8. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei, Majid Ahamadi
    Vol. 14, pp.413-441, 2022
  9. "Interactions and Confrontations of the Umayyads with Imam Sajjad (AS)"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 14, pp.57-70, 2022
  10. "Sheikh Abbas Qumi's Historiography in Nafas al-Mahmum fi Musibat Sayidina al-Husayn al-Madlum"
    Aliasghar Hosseinzadeh, Mehran Esmaeili, Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 18, pp.99-116, 2022
  11. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei, Majid Ahmadi
    Vol. 14, pp.413-442, 2022
  12. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 16, pp.7-26, 2022
  13. ""
    Taher Karimzadeh, Ebrahim Noei, Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 22, pp.45-64, 2022
  14. ""
    Taher Karimzadeh, Ebrahim Noei, Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 17, pp.27-40, 2021
  15. "Methodological and semantic reflections on the recognition of "Sira of 'Afifi""
    Mohammadreza Maleksabet, Ebrahim Noei, Mohammad Haji Taghi, Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 2, pp.193-220, 2021
  16. ""
    Taher Karimzadeh, Ebrahim Noei, Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 12, pp.33-52, 2021
  17. "The Historical Process of Closeness of Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan to Imam Sajjad (A)"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 21, pp.25-45, 2021
  18. "An Analysis on Historical Anachronism; A Critic on the Narrations of Umm Salama on Martyrdom and Successorship of Imam Husayn (a)"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 25, pp.297-315, 2020
  19. "Investigating the role of Uthman bin Saeed Al-Omari in the events of Imam Askari and Imam Mahdi"
    Ali Ahmadi, Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 14, pp.131-145, 2020
  20. "A Test of Historical Criticism of Hadiths Case Study: Is Imam Sajjad's (a) Mother a Princess"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. دهم, pp.25-45, 2020
  21. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 4, pp.95-113, 2020
  22. "The Value of Incongruous Historical Judgments about Imam Sajj?d's Special Companions"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 29, pp.163-187, 2019
  23. "Ibn Qiba between Mu?tazila and Imamiyyah"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 50, pp.131-148, 2019
  24. "Ibn Rvand s atheism Mutazilism positions on Ibn Rvand s denomination"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 14, pp.833-854, 2018
  25. "The Influence of Sunni Historical Sources on the Studies of the Imams of the Imams;"
    Abbas Mirzaei, nemat safari
    Vol. 26, pp.111-136, 2018
  26. "Ibn Qaba Razi and Minimal Imamate; Reflection on Tabatabai's View of Ibn Qaba"
    Abbas Mirzaei, Farooq Tooli
    Vol. 13, pp.161-176, 2017
  27. "Ibn Ravandi's atheism; accusation or fact Critical study of Ibn Ravandi's works"
    ayat allah najm eldin moravveji tabasi, Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 4, pp.119-144, 2015
  28. "Explaining the theory of Imam's absence in Ibn Quba Razi's thought"
    Abbas Mirzaei, marzieh amri
    Vol. 3, pp.99-116, 2014
  29. "Ibn Ravandi and defense of Kufa's theological thought"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 2, pp.125-142, 2014
  30. "The approach of Imami theologians in Baghdad to Shi'ism has become Shiite"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 1, pp.69-86, 2013
  31. "Confrontation of the companions of hadith with the Mu'tazilites and its effect on the decline of Etzali thought"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    seven heavens, Vol. 14, pp.7-29, 2012
  32. "bazshenasi mafhoomi shortat alkhamis dar zaman hokoomat emam ali (a)"
    nemat allah safari froshani, Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 2, pp.65-76, 2012
  33. "The role of Shiite Mu'tazilites in the tendency of Imami theology to Etzal"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 17, pp.28-59, 2012
  34. "Abu Isa Waraq from Etzal to the school of Kufa"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 17, pp.111-130, 2012
  35. "Considerations on the reading of Tabatabai's teaching by Ibn Qaba"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 17, pp.122-140, 2012
  36. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei
    seven heavens, Vol. 52, pp.37-58, 2012
  37. "Imami beliefs in the words of Sheikh Mufid; Exploring the point in the preliminaries of the principles"
    Abbas Mirzaei
    seven heavens, Vol. 13, pp.37-58, 2012
  38. ""
    Abbas Mirzaei
    Vol. 9, pp.35-64, 2011