Mohammadhossein Soorgee

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-02-27

Mohammadhossein Soorgee

Mechanical and Energy Systems Engineering /

Journal Papers

  1. "Comprehensive 3-D homogenization approach for predicting mechanical properties and creep behavior of polymer nanocomposites reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets"
    Hadi Mehdipour, Abbas Rohani Bastami, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, Vol. 330, pp.117823-117844, 2024
  2. "An experimental technique for evaluating viscoelastic damping using ultrasonic guided waves"
    Mohamad Mehrabi, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Hossein Habibi, Vassilios Kappatos
    ULTRASONICS, Vol. 123, 2022
  3. "Experimental investigation on sphere pig movement in multiple thickness pipe"
    Hossein Sahhaf Naeini, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Vol. 95, 2021
  4. "Evaluating the elastic properties of Al2O3-Al FGMs by longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic bulk waves velocity features"
    Saeed Farahmand, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Asal Hosseini Monazzah
    CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 47, pp.24906-24915, 2021
  5. "Comparison between elastic and porous elastic material models for sediment acoustical behavior in an aluminum-sediment double layer"
    Omid Bahrami, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Ehsan Ghafarallahi, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 43, 2021
  6. "A novel damping based feature for rich resin defect detection in a four layer composite plate using S0 Lamb mode"
    Maryam Shafiei, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 36, pp.1-17, 2021
  7. "A numerical investigation on ultrasonic bulk wave propagation features in functionally graded plates"
    Saeed Farahmand, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, Vol. 54, pp.1067-1077, 2020
  8. "A novel application of ultrasonic Lamb waves: studying adhesive effects on the inspection of coating debonding in a three-layer waveguide"
    Mohamad Mehrabi, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Hossein Habibi, Vassilios Kappatos
    Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 35, pp.1-21, 2020
  9. "The fabrication of Al2O3-Al FGM by SPS under different sintering temperatures: Microstructural evaluation and bending behavior"
    Saeed Farahmand, Asal Hosseini Monazzah, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 45, pp.22775-22782, 2019
  10. "Experimental and numerical study of delamination detection in a WGF/epoxy composite plate using ultrasonic guided waves and signal processing tools"
    Maryam Shafiei, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    Journal of theoretical and Applied Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 4, pp.142-152, 2018
  11. "A numerical study on differential pressure needed for ball pig motion in pipelines based on nonlinear hyperelastic material model"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Vol. 59, pp.466-472, 2018
  12. "Defect sensitivity of piezoelectric strip transducers based on planar Lamb waves"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Clifford J Lissenden, Joseph L Rose, Aghil Yousefi-Koma
  13. "Three-dimensional micromechanical modelling of effective elastic properties of graphene nanoplatelet-reinforced polymer nanocomposite using a HFGMC-based homogenization approach"
    Hadi Mehdipour, Abbas Rohani Bastami, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 55, pp.495-514, 2023
  14. "Numerical modeling of local residual stress detection in thin plates using fundamental antisymmetric mode of ultrasonic Lamb waves"
    Behzad Maddah alghalandis, Hossein Sahhaf Naeini, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    Vol. 2, pp.70-78, 2021
  15. "Numerical Damage Detection in Composite Pipe Adhesive Joints Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves"
    Salar Jouzani, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    Vol. 2, pp.72-81, 2020
  16. "Experimental Crack Length Evaluation in a Gas Turbine Blade-Disc Connection Using Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Hossein Sahhaf Naeini
    Vol. 18, pp.302-308, 2018
  17. "Fabrication and test of a piezo-composite transducer for inspection of plate structures in contact with fluid using Lamb waves"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Clifford J Lissenden
    Vol. 17, pp.375-382, 2017

Conference Papers

  1. ""
    Majid Fayazi, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    The 11th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV2021), 2021
  2. ""
    Behzad Maddah alghalandis, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    The 11th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV2021), 2021
  3. ""
    Tannaz Torkaman, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    5th Iranian International Nondestructive Testing Conference (IRNDT 2018), 2018
  4. ""
    Hossein Sahhaf Naeini, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    5th Iranian International Nondestructive Testing Conference (IRNDT 2018), 2018
  5. ""
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Alireza Asadi
    4th International and 15th annual conference on advances in manufacturing engineering, 2018
  6. ""
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Amir Tahmasebi Boldaji
    4th International and 15th annual conference on advances in manufacturing engineering, 2018
  7. "Characterization of functionally graded plate using ultrasonic wave velocity features"
    Saeed Farahmand, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    4th International and 15th annual conference on advances in manufacturing engineering, 2018
  8. "A numerical study cup hardness and pigging velocity on performance of cleaning pigs in pipeline"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    , 2017
  9. ""
    Mostafa Fathian, Mohammadhossein Soorgee,
    3rd Iranian International NDT conference, 2016
  10. "A mode conversion based feature for crack depth evaluation in homogenous plates based on 3D simulated Lamb waves"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    3rd Iranian International NDT conference, 2016
  11. "Quantitative crack depth study in homogeneous plates using simulated Lamb waves"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Aghil Yousefi-Koma
    Malaysia International NDT Conference and Exhibition 2015 (MINDTCE15), 2015
  12. "A Numerical study on proper mode and frequency selection for riveted lap joints inspection using Lamb waves"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    Malaysia International NDT Conference and Exhibition 2015 (MINDTCE15), 2015
  13. ""
    Keyvan Haghani, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    12th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibrations, 2022
  14. ""
    Mohammad Hossein Gandomkar, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Mehdi Mehdizadeh kafash
    12th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibrations, 2022
  15. ""
    Sepideh Ardalan manesh, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    12th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibrations, 2022
  16. ""
    Majid Fayazi, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    12th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibrations, 2022
  17. "Delamination sizing in a composite plate using 2D simulated Lamb waves"
    Saba Molazadeh, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    The 6th Iranian International NDT Conference, 2021
  18. ""
    ZAHRA MIRAKI, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    The 6th Iranian International NDT Conference, 2021
  19. ""
    Behzad Maddah alghalandis, Hossein Sahhaf Naeini, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    The 6th Iranian International NDT Conference, 2021
  20. ""
    Majid Fayazi, Hossein Sahhaf Naeini, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    The 6th Iranian International NDT Conference, 2021
  21. ""
    Saeed Farahmand, Asal Hosseini Monazzah, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    , No 16 , 2019
  22. "The Use of Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Cure Monitor-ing of Adhesives"
    Mohamad Mehrabi, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    The 9th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2019
  23. ""
    Salar Jouzani, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    The 9th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2019
  24. ""
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Mohammadreza Shirmohammad
    , 2018
  25. "A numerical study on metal-composite debonding detection using ultrasonic guided waves"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Ehsan Ghafarallahi
    , 2018
  26. "Experimental and numerical investigation of Lamb wave propagation through an aluminum-polymer bi-layer"
    Mohamad Mehrabi, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    , 2018
  27. "Numerical and Experimental Crack Detection in an Aluminum Plate using Tomography Method"
    Zohoori Saeed, Aghil Yousefi-Koma, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    26th Annual International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers ISME2018, 2018
  28. ""
    Meysam Ghorbanpoor, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    7th International conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2017
  29. ""
    Omid Bahrami, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    7th International conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2017
  30. "Experimental and numerical study on delamination detection in a WGF/epoxy composite plate using ultrasonic guided waves"
    Maryam Shafiei, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    7th International conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2017
  31. ""
    Mohammad Ali Balash, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    7th International conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2017
  32. ""
    Salar Jouzani, Maryam Shafiei, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    5th Iran Wind Energy Conference, 2017
  33. ""
    Maryam Shafiei, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    5th Iran Wind Energy Conference, 2017
  34. ""
    Omid Bahrami, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyed Ebrahim Moussavi Torshizi
    4th International Iranian Nondestructive Testing Conference, No 1 , pp.420-427, 2017
  35. ""
    Reza Norouzi Koodyani, Aghil Yousefi Koma, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Saeed Zohoori
    4th International Iranian Nondestructive Testing Conference, 2017
  36. ""
    Maryam Shafiee, Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    7th International pipe and pipeline conference, 2016
  37. ""
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyyed Masoud Ghadami
    7th International pipe and pipeline conference, 2016
  38. ""
    Mehrzad Khaksar, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyyed Majid Yad Avar Nikravesh
    6th International conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2016
  39. ""
    Mostafa Fathian, Aghil Yousefi-Koma, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyyed Saeed Mohtasebi, Morad Karimpour
    6th International conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2016
  40. "A numerical study on lap joint fastener looseness detection using 2D simulated Lamb waves"
    Mohammadhossein Soorgee
    6th International conference on Acoustics and Vibration, 2016
  41. ""
    Mostafa Fathian, Aghil Yousefi-Koma, Morad Karimpoor, Mohammadhossein Soorgee, Seyyed Saeid Mohtasebi
    The 15thInternational Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, 2016