Update: 2025-02-21
Nematollah Riazi
Physics /
M.Sc. Theses
Investigating the dynamics inside the event horizon of regular black holes
Bahareh Soleimanpour salmasi 2023 -
Determining the periodicity and oscillation modes of a number of short period variable stars by using Kepler project data
Exoplanets Detection by Kepler Space Telescope Survey
Danial Almasian 2022 -
Time, Causality and Closed Timelike Curves in General Relativity
Ali Yoonesyaan 2022 -
Alpha-attractor models in inflation
Shirin Shaterzadeh Yazdi 2021 -
Observational Evidence for Black Hole spin
Saeede Maleki 2021 -
study of two-fields particle production during post-inflationary cosmology
Roshanak Mahdavi Rad 2021 -
Investigation of morphology and radio emission of active galactic nucleuses
Farideh Mazoochi 2020 -
Interstellar medium and star formation in NGC1316
Haleh Mesgari 2020 -
Using of boost for extracting new kaluza klein solution.
Yona Novel 2019 -
Cosmology with massive Gravity
Behnoush Afshar 2019 -
Amirsalar Nikandish 2018 -
Zahra Ahghari 2018 -
Shayan Mohammadhoseini 2017 -
Kaluza Klein black holes
Ahmad Mazidabadi Farahani 2016 -
Optimization of Photometric Data for Detecting Extrasolar Planets
Javad Jafarzade 2016 -
Supersymmetric Soliton Solutions of Nonlinear Sine - Gordon Equation in (1+1) Dimensions
Moharramali Hajilou 2014 -
Nonlocal Gravity and Dark Matter in Spherical Galaxies
Sara Eftekhari 2014 -
Symmetry Analysis of Lane - Emden equation
Faranak Ghahari Kermani 2014 -
Charged solitons in Kaluza-Klein theory
Ramin Esmaeilzadeh 2014 -
Inflationary Model and Particle Production
Sanaz Faryadres 2013 -
Yaser Khosroanjam 2013 -
Davoud Naderi 2013