New Transnational Threats: An Instrument Towards Regional Cooperation in the Middle East
5 July

The international conference “New Transnational Threats: An Instrument Towards Regional Cooperation in the Middle East” will be held on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, 14:30 (Tehran Time).

This conference will be held in English by the Scientific Research and Middle East Strategic Studies Center (on the initiative of the Terrorism Studies Department and the Middle East Studies Department) in collaboration with Shahid Beheshti University (SBU) and the Geneva Center for Security Policy.

The main topics of this virtual conference include roots of extremism and terrorism emergence in the Middle East, new trans-regional threats in the Middle East, as well as trans-regional threats as instrument towards regional cooperation in the Middle East.

In this conference, speakers from different countries will discuss and exchange opinions, respectively: Hoda Rezgh, professor at Lebanon University; Paul Pilar, professor at Georgetown University; Amir Mohammad Haji-Yousefi, professor at Shahid Beheshti University (SBU); Louis Shelley, professor at George Mason University; Serge Stroobants, director for Europe and MENA at the Institute for Economics and Peace; Fabio Bernardi, researcher of organized crime studies; Abdolrasool Divsalar, professor at the European Union University; Marc Finaud, the former French Foreign Ministry spokesman; Mehran Kamrava, professor at Georgetown University; Farhang Rajaei, professor at Carleton University; and Ghadir Nasri, professor at Kharazmi University and director of the Middle East Strategic Studies Research Institute.

People who want to attend this webinar can participate through the following link on the Skyroom platform: