Mahmood Sariolghalam


Update: 2025-03-13

Mahmood Sariolghalam

Economics and Political Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "Globbalization and identity conceptual paradoxes in the middle east"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Geopolitical Quarterly, 2007
  2. "International Relations in Iran Achievements and Limitations"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    The World of International Relations Scholarship Geo- Cultural Epistemologies Arlene Tickner and O, Vol. 1, 2006
  3. "The Conceptual Consequence of the New Iraq for Iran"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Unilateral Actions and Military Interventions The Future of Non-Proliferation, pp.169-190, 2004
  4. "Governance in the Middle East Cultural and Political Obstacles"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Presented at the Joint IMF and World Bank Meeting in Dubai, 2003
  5. "Understanding Iran Getting Past Stereotypes and Mythology"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam, Valeria Friorani Piacentini
    WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, Vol. 26, pp.69-82, 2003
  6. "Iranian Security and the Persian Gulf An Inside View"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    II Golfo nel XXI Secolo, 2002
  7. "Iranian National Interest The Impact of the Energy Resources"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Energy Focus, 2001
  8. "Justice for All"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    WASHINGTON QUARTERLY, Vol. 24, pp.113-125, 2001
  9. "Turkish-Israeli Military Cooperation Iranian Perception and Responses"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Journal of Military and Sociological Studies, pp.293-304, 2001
  10. "The New Emerging Generation in Iran"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Worldview, 1998
  11. "Prospects for Civil Society in the Middle East An Analysis of Cultural Impediments"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Civil Society in the Middle East Elizabeth Ozdalga, 1997
  12. "Civilizational Axioms and the Future of Islamic Civilization"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Euro- Islam Dialogue Sune Persson, 1997
  13. "Iran and Middle East Security"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Peace and Stability in the Middle East and North Africa Josef Janning and Dirk Rumberg, pp.39-49, 1996
  14. "Iraqi Decision-making Inputs before the Outbreak of Iran- Iraq War"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Iran-Iraq War Farhang Rajee, 1996
  15. "Iran s Security Policy and the Middle East"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Arams Contorl in a Multipolar World Jim Brown, 1996
  16. "Iran and Turkey The Impact of the Northern Tier on the Middle East"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    SECURITY DIALOGUE, Vol. 27, pp.303-317, 1996
  17. "Fundamentalism in the Middle East Reason of Ascendance and Motives of Behavior"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    La Religion en los Albores del Singlo XXI, pp.79-91, 1994
  18. "Determination of Iraqi Foreign Policy in 1980 s"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Foreign Policy of Revolutionary States Stephen Chan and Andrew Willams, pp.185-197, 1994
  19. "Contribution to Beyond the North- West Africa and the East"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Contemporary International Relations A.J.R. Groom and Margot Light, pp.237-245, 1994
  20. "Conceptual Sources of Iranian Behavior Toward the Arab World"
    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Iran and the Arab World Amirahmadi and Nader Entessar, pp.19-27, 1993
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    International Studies Journal (ISJ), Vol. 8, 2012
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Vol. 3, 2011
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Vol. 1, 2009
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    International Studies Journal (ISJ), Vol. 4, pp.77-89, 2008
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam, ,
    Geopolitical Quarterly, Vol. 2, pp.33-62, 2007
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Rahyaft Science Policy Quarterly, pp.101-116, 2007
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam, ,
    Vol. 21, pp.72-92, 2007
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Vol. 1, 2006
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Vol. 6, pp.29-46, 2005
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Vol. 4, 2002
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam
    Vol. 4, 2002
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    Mahmood Sariolghalam