Assistant Professor
Update: 2025-03-05
Sepideh Abdolkarimi
Literature and Humanities / Linguistics
Master Theses
The effect of gender and social caste on the prototype selection in Persian-speaking children: a case study of first grade elementary school students
Mohsen Mousivand 2024 -
linguistic analysis of legal texts-case study of contracts
Homa Mahmoudzadeh Vishkayi 2024 -
Comparative analysis of moral concepts in the works of Shakespeare and Ferdowsi based on the theories of conceptual metaphor
Sahba Salami 2024 -
Polysemy of Persian Sensory Verbs within the framework of Frame Semantics
Negar Shirani 2023 -
semantic analysis of Persian verbal prefixes, a cognitive approach
Kosar Akbari 2023 -
Fatemeh Ghatta 2022 -
A comparative study of lexical gaps in semantic domains in Persian and English
Maryam Nikneshan 2021 -
Tense and Aspect in Tayebi Qashqai Turkic in Cognitive Grammar Framework
Sahar Shirali 2021 -
A Critical Reading of the Novel "Rood-e-Ravi" with R. Fowler's Critical Discourse Analysis Approach
Shayan Mohseni Khorrami 2021 -
Study the Semantic Relation in Logical Conjunctions
Mahsa Zamani 2020 -
the distinctive features of fictional literature of war for children from adults in Persian and English literature based on cognitive approach
Mina Estaji 2020 -
Polysemy of prepositions in cognitive semantics and teaching methods of them to Persian learners "
Sara Baayi fallah saravani 2019 -
The effective Social Factors in the choice of written/spoken language type in order to eliminate ambiguity on online interactions
Arsam Babaei 2019 -
Semantic Analysis of God's Attributes Based on the Jachendoff’s Conceptual Semantics Model and Pustejovsky's Generative Lexicon Theory.
Imaneh Sayad 2018 -
Sima Nateghpour 2018 -
Zahra Sadat Maraashi 2018 -
Zahra Koolivand 2018 -
Faeze Rabbani 2017 -
Mozhgan Bodaghi 2017 -
Maryam Pournorouz 2017 -
Raheleh Nemati 2016 -
Nasrin Ranjbar 2016 -
Parastou Meskarian 2016 -
Zinat Sarabeigi 2016 -
Parvane Ahmadi 2015 -
Hamideh Maleki 2015 -
Tahmineh Bazdar 2015 -
Masoomeh Haghi Komleh 2015