Sepideh Abdolkarimi

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-05

Sepideh Abdolkarimi

Literature and Humanities / Linguistics

Master Theses

  1. The effect of gender and social caste on the prototype selection in Persian-speaking children: a case study of first grade elementary school students
    Mohsen Mousivand 2024
  2. linguistic analysis of legal texts-case study of contracts
    Homa Mahmoudzadeh Vishkayi 2024
  3. Comparative analysis of moral concepts in the works of Shakespeare and Ferdowsi based on the theories of conceptual metaphor
    Sahba Salami 2024
  4. Polysemy of Persian Sensory Verbs within the framework of Frame Semantics
    Negar Shirani 2023
  5. semantic analysis of Persian verbal prefixes, a cognitive approach
    Kosar Akbari 2023
  6. 1-
    Fatemeh Ghatta 2022
  7. A comparative study of lexical gaps in semantic domains in Persian and English
    Maryam Nikneshan 2021
  8. Tense and Aspect in Tayebi Qashqai Turkic in Cognitive Grammar Framework
    Sahar Shirali 2021
  9. A Critical Reading of the Novel "Rood-e-Ravi" with R. Fowler's Critical Discourse Analysis Approach
    Shayan Mohseni Khorrami 2021
  10. Study the Semantic Relation in Logical Conjunctions
    Mahsa Zamani 2020
  11. the distinctive features of fictional literature of war for children from adults in Persian and English literature based on cognitive approach
    Mina Estaji 2020
  12. Polysemy of prepositions in cognitive semantics and teaching methods of them to Persian learners "
    Sara Baayi fallah saravani 2019
  13. The effective Social Factors in the choice of written/spoken language type in order to eliminate ambiguity on online interactions
    Arsam Babaei 2019
  14. Semantic Analysis of God's Attributes Based on the Jachendoff’s Conceptual Semantics Model and Pustejovsky's Generative Lexicon Theory.
    Imaneh Sayad 2018

  15. Sima Nateghpour 2018

  16. Zahra Sadat Maraashi 2018

  17. Zahra Koolivand 2018

  18. Faeze Rabbani 2017

  19. Mozhgan Bodaghi 2017

  20. Maryam Pournorouz 2017

  21. Raheleh Nemati 2016

  22. Nasrin Ranjbar 2016

  23. Parastou Meskarian 2016

  24. Zinat Sarabeigi 2016

  25. Parvane Ahmadi 2015

  26. Hamideh Maleki 2015

  27. Tahmineh Bazdar 2015

  28. Masoomeh Haghi Komleh 2015