Sasan Baleghizadeh


Update: 2025-03-05

Sasan Baleghizadeh

Literature and Humanities / English Language & Literature

Journal Paper

  1. "Sense of Self-Efficacy and Emotional Intelligence as Predictors of Job Satisfaction Among Iranian EFL Teachers"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, ARMAN JULA
    Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature: Dynamics and Advances, Vol. 12, pp.161-194, 2024
  2. "Game On, Learn On: Video Games as Homework in General English Classes"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Morvarid Saeedj
    Vol. 2, pp.315-332, 2024
  3. "Developing Construction and Validation of Iranian EFL Teachers' Perceptions of Professional Development Questionnaire"
    Leyli Amirishayesteh, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Language Related Research, Vol. 14, pp.113-143, 2023
  4. "Investigating the Role of Iranian EFL Learners' L2 Proficiency in Their Attitudes Toward the Use of L1 in Institutional Contexts: A Mixed Methods Study"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Hamidreza Zaker Vafaei
    Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature: Dynamics and Advances, Vol. 11, pp.9-31, 2023
  5. "Exploring the Psychological Reality of Some Guidelines for Construction of Multiple-Choice Items"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Ali Momenideimandoul
    tesl reporter, Vol. 54, pp.31-47, 2022
  6. "A Comparative Study of Text Formality of Applied Linguistics Articles Written in English by Iranian and Native Speaking Researchers"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Faria Asadi
    journal of language horizons, alzahra university, Vol. 6, pp.7-25, 2022
  7. "The contributory role of grammar vs. vocabulary in L2 reading: An SEM approach"
    Amin Raeisi Vanani, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    FOREIGN LANGUAGE ANNALS, Vol. .55, pp.559-585, 2022
  8. "The interplay of glossing with text difficulty and comprehension levels"
    Seyede Faezeh Hosseini Alast, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Language Teaching Research, Vol. ., pp.1-30, 2021
  9. "A Qualitative Evaluation of an Online Teacher Training Program in Iran: EFL Teachers' Perceptions"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Morvarid Saeedj
    Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 2, pp.1-28, 2021
  10. "Exploring Tensions Between Novice and Experienced EFL Teachers' Written Corrective Feedback Beliefs and Practices"
    Elnaz Goldouz, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Language Related Research, Vol. 12, pp.347-376, 2021
  11. "Iranian EFL Teachers' Perceptions about the Most Serious Types of Written Errors and the Most Effective Feedback Types to Treat Them"
    Elnaz Goldouz, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Mextesol Journal, Vol. 45, pp.1-13, 2021
  12. "A study of comparative effects of humorous versus non-humorous text types on vocabulary learning of Iranian EFL learners at two proficiency levels"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Tahereh Karamzadeh
    Critical Literary Studies, Vol. 2, pp.155-177, 2020
  13. "Exploring the Relationship between Teacher Burnout, Personality Traits, and Psychological Distress among Iranian EFL Teachers: A Mixed-Methods Study"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Leyli Amirishayesteh
    journal of language horizons, alzahra university, Vol. 4, pp.175-199, 2020
  14. "The Effect of Strategy-Based Instruction on Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Achievement"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Roya Jaefari
    tesl reporter, Vol. 53, pp.1-36, 2020
  15. "A content analysis of the cultural representations of three ESL grammar textbooks"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Leyli Amirishayesteh
    Cogent Education, Vol. 7, 2020
  16. "EFL Learners' Perceptions and Practices of Reflective Assessment and Its Impact on Their General English Achievements"
    Roya Vafaeimehr, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Language Related Research, Vol. 11, pp.347-377, 2020
  17. "Analyzing Post-Reading Comprehension Questions and Task Types in Four Corners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Hamidreza Zaker Vafaei
    Mextesol Journal, Vol. 44, pp.1-11, 2020
  18. "The Effect of Teaching Formulaic Sequences through Spaced and Non-spaced Retrievals on Iranian EFL Learners' Oral Fluency"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Samaneh Shafeie
    Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, Vol. 11, pp.79-114, 2019
  19. "Investigating the Relationship between Teaching Styles and Emotional Intelligence among Iranian English Instructors"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Maryam Shakouri
    Issues in Language Teaching, Vol. 8, pp.225-248, 2019
  20. "Resolving the Terminological Mishmash in Teaching Link Words in EFL Writing"
    Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim, Lawrence Jun ZHANG, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 41, pp.321-337, 2018
  21. "Towards Finding a Difficulty Index for English Grammatical Terminology"
    Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Terminology, Vol. 24, pp.237-261, 2018
  22. "Text reconstruction through keywords and repeated listening"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Payam Khaledian
    The teacher, Vol. 8-9, pp.46-51, 2017
  23. "The Effect of Input Enhancement on Academic Vocabulary Learning among Intermediate EFL Learners in Iran"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Shahriyar Yazdanjoo, Hadiseh Fallahpour
    tesl reporter, Vol. 50, pp.31-48, 2017
  24. "Investigating the relationship between teaching styles and teacher self-efficacy among some Iranian ESP university instructors"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Maryam Shakouri
  25. "Measuring the Effectiveness of Explicit and Implicit Instruction through Explicit and Implicit Measures"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 1, pp.81-111, 2017
  26. "Studying the Effect of Retrieval Direction during Reading on Productive and Receptive Knowledge of Vocabulary"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Samaneh Shafeie
    Issues in Language Teaching, Vol. 6, pp.239-258, 2017
  27. "The Relationship between Willingness to Communicate and Perfectionism among Iranian EFL Students"
    Davood Borzabadi Farahani, Sasan Baleghizadeh, Payam Khaledian
    The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, Vol. 6, pp.49-67, 2017
  28. "The effect of online planning strategic planning and rehearsal across two proficiency levels"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mohammadnaseh Nasrollahi Shahri
    Language Learning Journal, Vol. 45, pp.171-184, 2017
  29. "Iranian EFL Learners Perceptions of Various Language Activities in an Ideal English Class"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Tahereh Karamzadeh
    mextesol journal, Vol. 41, pp.1-15, 2017
  30. "The Impact of Creativity Enhancement on the Writing Ability of Young EFL Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Zeinab Dargahi
    tesl reporter, Vol. 1, pp.33-51, 2016
  31. "The relationship between Iranian EFL teachers collective efficacy beliefs teaching experience and perception of teacher empowerment"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Elnaz Goldouz
    Cogent Education, Vol. 3, pp.1-15, 2016
  32. "Teaching English through Humor The Use of Dialog Jokes as a Technique in English Language Classes"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Amin Raeisi Vanani
    tesl reporter, Vol. 49, pp.18-29, 2016
  33. "The Degree of Involvement Load in an EFL Vocabulary Book Series"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Alireza Sajjadipour
    Korea TESOL Journal, Vol. 12, pp.181-200, 2016
  34. "Investigating the Relationship between Depth and Breadth of Vocabulary Knowledge and Listening Comprehension across Different Proficiency Levels among Iranian EFL Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Payam Khaledian
    International Journal for 21st Century Education, Vol. 3, pp.63-75, 2016
  35. "The Procedural Syllabus and the Task Syllabus How Similar How Different"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    HOW, Vol. 22, pp.104-113, 2015
  36. "Using Lego Bricks to Teach Vocabulary in EFL Classes"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Alireza Sajjadipour
    share, pp.41-43, 2015
  37. "Cooperative Pair Work and EFL Learners Performance on a Form-focused Task"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    tesl reporter, Vol. 48, pp.1-13, 2015
  38. "Assessment for Learning The Impact of Student-Generated Tests and Conferencing on EFL Students Grammar Learning"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, Vol. 4, pp.45-65, 2015
  39. "The Effect of Textual Input Enhancement and Metalinguistic Explanations on Learning Simple Past and Past Progressive Tenses by Iranian EFL Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Hamid Mahdian Rad
    pp.33-50, 2015
  40. "Investigating Meyapragmatic Informstion in Language Teachers Books A Case of Top Notch"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Hamid Rastin
    International Journal of Society Culture Language, Vol. 2, pp.47-56, 2015
  41. "Writing by Numbers"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Maryam Shakouri
    english teaching professional, pp.28-29, 2015
  42. "The Effect of Gender and Teaching Experience on Iranian ESP Instructors Teaching Styles"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Maryam Shakouri
    Journal of Education and Human Development, Vol. 3, pp.979-989, 2014
  43. "Student-generated tests and their impact on EFL students learning of grammar"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    journal of theory and practice in education, Vol. 10, pp.627-642, 2014
  44. "Developing Oral Fluency and Creative Thinking through Classroom Storytelling"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Tahereh Karamzadeh
    share, pp.31-34, 2014
  45. "The Impact of Different Types of Journaling Techniques on EFL Learners Self-Efficacy"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    profile, Vol. 16, pp.77-88, 2014
  46. "The Impact of Pair Work on EFL Learners Motivation"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    mextesol journal, Vol. 38, pp.1-11, 2014
  47. "An Evaluation of the Use of Humor in ELT Coursebooks"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Azadeh Sadat Ghoreishi Korrani
    International Journal of Language Literatures, Vol. 2, pp.187-201, 2014
  48. "Self- and Teacher-Assessment in an EFL Writing Class"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    Gist Education and Learning Research Journal, pp.99-117, 2014
  49. "The relationship between perceptual learning style preferences and Multiple Intelligences among Iranian EFL learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Roz Shayeghi
  50. "Activity types in ESL Workbooks A Content Analysis"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Solmaz Aghazadeh
    Korea TESOL Journal, Vol. 11, pp.185-205, 2014
  51. "Exploring EFL Teachers Reflectivity and their Sense of Self-efficacy"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Zahra Javidan Mehr
    e-international journal of educational research, Vol. 5, pp.19-38, 2014
  52. "EFL teacher s conceptions of speaking competence in English"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mohammadnaseh Nasrollahi Shahri
    Teachers and Teaching, Vol. 20, pp.738-754, 2014
  53. "The Effect of Self-assessment on EFL Learners goal Orientation"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Atiyeh Masoun
    Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 17, pp.25-48, 2014
  54. "Language identity among Iranian English language learners a nationwide survey"
    , , Sasan Baleghizadeh
  55. "A contrastive analysis of Mazandarani Farsi and English word order verbs and tenses"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Arman Nasirahmadi
    Dialectologia, pp.47-65, 2013
  56. "Surveying Metalanguage through Three EFL Textbooks"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim
    e-international journal of educational research, Vol. 4, pp.27-40, 2013
  57. "The Effect of Task Repetition and Task Recycling on EFL Learners Oral Performance"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Reza Asadi
    Issues in Language Teaching, Vol. 2, pp.137-163, 2013
  58. "An Investigation of Tensions between EFL Teachers Beliefs and Practices about Teaching Culture"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    Gist Education and Learning Research Journal, pp.35-53, 2013
  59. "Have Your Wishes Come True A Game for Practicing Second Conditionals"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Elnaz Goldouz
    ELT news, pp.1-7, 2013
  60. "The Effect of Four Different Types of Involvement Indices on Vocabulary Learning and Retention of EFL Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Maryam Abbasi shirinabadi
    journal of teaching language skills (JTLS), Vol. 5, pp.1-26, 2013
  61. "An Investigation of Spoken Ouput and Intervention Types among Iranian EFL Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Arash Saharkhiz Arbani
    Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, pp.17-41, 2013
  62. "The Effect of Self-assessment on EFL Learners self-efficacy"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Atiyeh Masoun
    TESL canada journal, Vol. 1, pp.42-58, 2013
  63. "Gender Differences in the use Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Self-Efficacy Beliefs"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Amir Kardoust
    The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, Vol. 2, pp.47-66, 2013
  64. "Peer interaction through student-made questions does it facilitate reading comprehension"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Language Learning Journal, Vol. 41, pp.104-114, 2013
  65. "EFL Learners and Teacher s Preferences for Isolated and Integrated Focus Form The Effect of Learners Proficiency"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    iranian journal of language issues, Vol. 1, pp.19-36, 2013
  66. "Grammatical Syllabus and EFL Textbooks The need for Consciousness-Raising Activities"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Per Linguam, Vol. 1, pp.110-116, 2013
  67. "Graphs in the Classroom"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    folio, Vol. 15, pp.24-28, 2013
  68. "An Investigation of Teacher-provided versus Student-made vocabulary Notebooks"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    3l language, linguistics and literature: the south east asian journal of english language studies, Vol. 18, pp.75-89, 2012
  69. "Motivation and Quality of Work Life among Secondary School EFL Teachers"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Yahya Gordani
    Australian Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 37, pp.30-42, 2012
  70. "The Impact of Conference Assessment on EFL Students Grammar Learning"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    profile, Vol. 14, pp.131-144, 2012
  71. "The effect of teaching grammar through the task-supported structural model on EFL learners grammatical achievement"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    journal of theory and practice in education, Vol. 8, pp.1-18, 2012
  72. "Linguistic Imperialism and EFL Textbooks The Case of American English File"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Arash Saharkhiz Arbani
    e-international journal of educational research, Vol. 3, pp.36-49, 2012
  73. "Academic Writing and Grammatical Accuracy The Role of Corrective Feedback"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Yahya Gordani
    Gist Education and Learning Research Journal, pp.159-176, 2012
  74. "Core Units of Spoken Grammar in Global ELT Textbooks"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Yahya Gordani
    Issues in Language Teaching, Vol. 1, pp.33-58, 2012
  75. "The relationship between test-takers rate of strategy use and their reading comprehension peformance"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    new england reading association, Vol. 48, pp.73-77, 2012
  76. "Individual Differences in Language Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Vol. 26, pp.22-30, 2012
  77. "The Effect of Etymology Elaboration on EFL Learners Comprehension and Retention of Idioms"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    3l language, linguistics and literature: the south east asian journal of english language studies, Vol. 18, pp.23-32, 2012
  78. "Using games to group Students"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    EAJournal, Vol. 26, pp.52-57, 2012
  79. "Integrating reading With Other Language Skills"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    share, pp.23-26, 2012
  80. "The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Strategies on the Writing Performance of EFL Students"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    FLLT journal, Vol. 1, pp.19-25, 2012
  81. "The Effect of Task Repetition and Noticing on EFL Learners Oral Output"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    International Journal of Instruction, Vol. 5, pp.141-152, 2012
  82. "Teaching Grammar for Active Use An Exploration of Three Instructional Techniques"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, ELNAZ OLADROSTAM
    LiBRIlinguistic and literary broad research and innovation, Vol. 2, pp.70-78, 2012
  83. "Tic Tac Toe for Vocabulary Revision"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    the language teacher, Vol. 36, pp.29-35, 2012
  84. "A Grammar Grid"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    modern english teacher, Vol. 21, pp.62-65, 2012
  85. "The Effect of Three Consecutive Context Sentences on EFL Vocabulary-Learning"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mohamad Naseh Nasrollahy
    TESL canada journal, Vol. 28, pp.74-87, 2012
  86. "The Effect of Direct and Indirect Corrective Feedback on Students Spelling Errors"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    profile, Vol. 13, pp.129-137, 2011
  87. "Using music in listening classes"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    EAJournal, Vol. 27, pp.59-64, 2011
  88. "The impact of students training in questioning the author techniqueon EFL reading comprehension"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 29, pp.1668-1767, 2011
  89. "The Impact of Two Instructional Techniques on EFL Learners Vocabulary Knowledge Flash Cards Versus Word Lists"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    Mextesol Journal, pp.1-9, 2011
  90. "A comparison of two different types of vocabulary treatment inclusion or exclusion of L1"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 1, pp.765-770, 2011
  91. "Comparing Native Models and Peer Feedback in Promoting Noticing through Written Output"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Fatemeh Arab
    Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Vol. 5, pp.63-79, 2011
  92. "Enhancing Vocabulary Retention through Semantic Mapping A Single-Subject Study"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim
    language society and culture, pp.11-16, 2011
  93. "More Effective use of Movies in Language Classes"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    ELT news, pp.14-16, 2011
  94. "the relationship among listening performance metacognitive strategy use and motivation from a self-determination theory perspective"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Amirhossein Rahimi
    Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 1, pp.61-67, 2011
  95. "Hot Seat Plus"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    english teaching professional, pp.1-31, 2011
  96. "the use of diffrent spelling strategies among EFL young learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Zeinab Dargahi
    Porta Linguarum, pp.155-159, 2011
  97. "A sociocultural perspective on Second Language Acquisition The Effect of High-structured Scaffolding versus Low-structured Scaffolding on the Writing Ability of EFL Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    reflection on english language teaching, Vol. 10, pp.43-54, 2011
  98. "Reading based Teaching of Vocabulary and Pronunciation A Creative Technique"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Arman Nasirahmadi
    spelt quarterly, Vol. 4, pp.10-15, 2011
  99. "The Effect of Type of Context on EFL Learners Recognition and Production of Colligations"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    the journal of language and linguistic studies, Vol. 7, pp.100-111, 2011
  100. "Let me read your palm"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Amir Kardoust
    modern english teacher, Vol. 20, pp.29-32, 2011
  101. "Promoting Vocabulary Retention Through Etymology Presentation"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim
    journal of theory and practice in education, Vol. 7, pp.111-123, 2011
  102. "count/non-count games"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Zeinab Dargahi
    the english connection, Vol. 14, 2010
  103. "Manipulation in Translation of Children s Literature"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Vol. 8, pp.9-30, 2010
  104. "some theorical essentials for an effective observer training course"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    the teacher trainer, Vol. 24, 2010
  105. "using brochures as authentic materials in teaching english to students of tourism"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Roz Shayeghi
    english teaching matters, Vol. 11, 2010
  106. "an analysis of ideological content of internationally-developed british and american ELT textbooks"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mostafa Jamali Motahed
    journal of teaching language skills (JTLS), Vol. 2, pp.1-27, 2010
  107. "The Structural Syllabus The Golden-Egg-Laying Goose That Should Not Be Killed"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    tesl reporter, Vol. 43, pp.15-30, 2010
  108. "an analysis of the ideological content of internationally -developed british and american elt textbooks"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    journal of teaching language skills (JTLS), Vol. 2, 2010
  109. "english for tour guides a sample lesson through photos and advertisements"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Javid Elyasi
    folio, Vol. 14.1, pp.27-32, 2010
  110. "pre-service teacher cognition on corrective feedback a case study"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    journal of technology of education, Vol. 4, pp.321-327, 2010
  111. "the impact of peer interaction on an editing activity in efl classes"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Journal Of Language Teaching And Research, Vol. 1, pp.721-727, 2010
  112. "poster making to learnmore vocabulary"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    english language teaching news ELT News, pp.18-20, 2010
  113. "recast and its impact on second language acquisition"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Heydar Abdi Ahmadabad
    international journal of language studies (IJLS), Vol. 4, pp.301-312, 2010
  114. "the effect of keyword and word list methods on immediate vocabulary retention of EFL learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Arezoo Ashoori Tootkaboni
    Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 30, pp.251-262, 2010
  115. "The Effect of Keyword and Word list Methods on Immediate Vocabulary Recall of EFL Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 30, pp.251-262, 2010
  116. "promoting vocabulary knowlege of low students through video a sample lesson"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, ELNAZ OLADROSTAM
    english for specific purposes world (ESP World), Vol. 2, 2010
  117. "a comparision of english and farsi rhetoric and its impact on english writing of iranian students"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    studies in literature and language, Vol. 1, pp.17-27, 2010
  118. "Learning Vocabulary Through Etymology A Practical Lesson"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim
    folio, pp.24-27, 2010
  119. "The Effect of Pre-editing on Output Quality of Padideh Machine Translation System"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Vol. 7, pp.55-72, 2010
  120. "the effect of pair work on a word-building task"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    ELT Journal, pp.405-407, 2010
  121. "the effect of vocabulary size on reading comprehension of iranian efl learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mohammad Golbin
    LiBRIlinguistic and literary broad research and innovation, Vol. 1, pp.33-33, 2010
  122. "focus on form in an efl communicative classroom"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Novitas-Royal, Vol. 4, pp.119-128, 2010
  123. "the effect of nursery rhymes on EFL children s reading ability"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Zeinab Dargahi
    the new england reading association journal, Vol. 46, pp.71-75, 2010
  124. "the impact of student-initiated intraction on efl reading coperhension"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    studies in literature and language, Vol. 1, pp.20-28, 2010
  125. "Teacher Cognition and Personal Beliefs A Harmonious Mismatch"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Salim Yassami
    pp.1-26, 2010
  126. "explicitation of implicit logical links in persian-english translation"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Ahmad Sharifi
    Translation and Interpreting, Vol. 2, pp.57-59, 2010
  127. "The effect of symmetrical versus asymmetrical scaffolding on English reading comprehension of EFL learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, ,
    studies in literature and language, Vol. 1, pp.104-111, 2010
  128. "A Publication OF THE Department of english language teaching and learning brigham young university-hawaii copyright 2009"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    tesl reporter, Vol. 42, 2009
  129. "gender diffrences in students and teachers perceptions of the role of grammar instruction and corrective feedback"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    the journal of applied linguistic, Vol. 2, pp.28-56, 2009
  130. "Explicitation and Textuality in Translation"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Ahmad Sharifi
    Vol. 7, pp.49-64, 2009
  131. "an exploration of teacher s beliefs about the role of grammar in iranian high schools and private language institutes"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Sepideh Farshchi
    Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, Vol. 52, pp.17-38, 2009
  132. ""
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mojtaba Hatef
    Vol. 7, 2009
  133. "investigating the effectiveness of pair work on a conversational cloze task in efl classes"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    tesl reporter, Vol. 42, pp.1-12, 2009
  134. "Translation and Task Components"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Vol. 6, pp.27-38, 2009
  135. "Task-supported Structural Syllabus"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    JOURNAL OF CURRICULUM STUDIES, Vol. 3, pp.8-22, 2008
  136. "Societal Bilingualism and Second Language Education"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    pp.43-52, 2008
  137. "The Impact of Two Types of Input Modification on EFL Reading Comprehension Limguistic versus Interactional"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Davood Borzabadi Farahani
    Teaching English Language and Literature(TELL), Vol. 1, pp.71-94, 2007
  138. "Speech Acts in English Language Teaching"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Iranian Journal of Language Studies, Vol. 1, pp.41-52, 2007
  139. "Interaction Hypothesis"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Vol. 3, pp.121-132, 2007
  140. "The Impact of Interactional Modifications on Reading Comprehension"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    pp.11-20, 2006
  141. "The Impact of ChatGPT on Improving Feedback Process and Teaching English Writing Skill in Iran: An Innovative Approach"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Morvarid Saeedj
    Journal of Foreign Language Research, Vol. 14, pp.327-343, 2024
  142. "A Survey of ELT Teachers and Learners' Perception of Learner's Autonomy in Iran and Turkey"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Maryam Moghimi
    Vol. 18, pp.15-34, 2021
  143. ""
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Solmaz Aghazadeh
    Vol. 17, pp.121-144, 2020
  144. ""
    Amin Raeisi Vanani, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    Vol. 16, pp.119-140, 2019
  145. ""
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim
    Vol. 13, pp.47-68, 2017
  146. "Who Is to Work With Whom It Come to Pair Work A Learner s Perspective"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    sino-us english teaching, Vol. 6, pp.349-356, 2011
  147. "The effect of Summary writing on reading Comprehension and recall of EFL Students"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    new england reading association, Vol. 47, pp.44-48, 2011
  148. "The Impact of Pair Work on Promoting Noticing among EFL Learners"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    3l language, linguistics and literature: the south east asian journal of english language studies, Vol. 17, pp.18-31, 2011
  149. "Evaluation of an ESP Textbook for the Students of Sociology"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    Journal Of Language Teaching And Research, Vol. 2, pp.1009-1014, 2011
  150. "Enhancing Listening Comprehension through a Group Work Guessing Game"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    HOW, pp.133-143, 2010

Conference Paper

  1. "Examining the impact of using metacognitive strategies in language classroom"
    Roya Vafaeimehr, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    1st University of Isfahans International Conference on English Language Studies, 2019
  2. "Investigating the Effectivesness of Explicit Implicit Instruction on Verb Complement through Explicit Implicit Measures"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh,
    The 3rd ELT Conference, 2015
  3. "The Effect of Pair Work on Guessing the Meaning of Unknown Words in an EFL Context"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    3rd International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences, 2014
  4. "Looking at Matalanguage in Three ELT Textbooks"
    Mehrdad Yousefpoori Naeim, Sasan Baleghizadeh
    , pp.153-154, 2012
  5. "Learning vocabulary through connectionist networks"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh, Elnaz Oladrostam, Maryam Kashefolhagh
    , 2012
  6. "Comparing traditional with cooperative pairs The case of Iranian EGAP students"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    The 8th International for Specific Purposes (LSP) Seminar, No 66 , pp.330-336, 2012
  7. "IIranian EFL Teachers Attitude to Post-Observation Supervisory Dialogue"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    International Conference on Sustainable Development, 2011
  8. ""
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    , 2011
  9. "pair work and EFL learners performance in a close alidwe task"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    FLLT 2011(2nd conference on foreign language learning and teaching), pp.96-96, 2011
  10. "pair work and EFL learners performance on a cloze elide task"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    FLLT 2011, 2011
  11. "what an efficient supervisor is expected to know"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    (TEFL damascus)10th international TEFL conference, 2010
  12. "tales from the thousand and one night"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    16 international tesol arabia, 2010
  13. "materials development at the ili local needs national considerations"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    the 7 th international tellsi conference new horizons in language education, 2009
  14. "The impact of students training in questioning the author techniqueon EFL reading comprehension"
    Sasan Baleghizadeh
    procedia social and behavioral sciences, pp.1668-1676, 2011