The First Symposium on Honeybee Food and Pharmaceutical Products
5th February

The first symposium on honeybee food and pharmaceutical products will be held by the Honeybee Products Research Center, in collaboration with the Research Deputy and the Science and Technology Park of Shahid Beheshti University, as well as Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. It will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at the International Conference Center of Shahid Beheshti University.

This scientific symposium is accredited for continuing education for professionals in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, food industries, nutrition, and other health-related disciplines, with approval from the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education of Iran.

At this symposium, the latest scientific achievements of the top specialists in honeybee products in the fields of ecology, botany, beekeeping, pharmacy, nutrition, food industries, medicine, commercialization, and entrepreneurship will be presented through lectures and posters.

The symposium will include keynote presentations by prominent domestic professors, researchers, and activists, discussions on the latest scientific developments in this field, scientific sessions, educational workshops with continuing education accreditation, and side exhibitions of companies active in the field of honeybee products.

The main topics of the symposium include:

  • Flora, ecology, carrying capacity, and protection of important plants in honeybee product production
  • Authenticity testing, pollen analysis, determination of plant origin, health determination, and ranking of honeybee products
  • Functional foods, food security, and honeybee food products
  • Pharmaceutical products, supplements, traditional medicine, functional foods, and food security in honeybee products
  • Apitherapy (bee therapy), physiology, pharmacology, and clinical trials in honeybee products
  • Statistics, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence in authenticity testing and smart technology in honeybee products
  • Standards, guidelines, and regulatory laws in honeybee products
  • Genetics and advanced biotechnologies in honeybee products
  • Knowledge-based economy and commercialization in honeybee products