E-learning Center
Virtual Programs of SBU
Today, rapid developments in information and communication technologies have led to tremendous changes in the structure of higher education, like any other area. Thanks to the extensive tools and facilities provided by electronic education, the domain of higher education and its quality can be expanded and improved. Making learning easy, eliminating the temporal and local constraints, reducing the expanses, and responding flexibly to social needs are among the other characteristics of such education.
In line with the development of virtual education in Iran, Shahid Beheshti University initiated to launch its first e-learning and distance learning programs. According to the decisions made by the University Presidential Board, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Center took the responsibility for managing the operation of the virtual programs of the university.
The MS degree in Information Technology Management is the first e-learning program offered by the university. Following the discussions made by the ICT Center with the Faculty of Management and Accounting, Head of the Department of Management was appointed as the Director of the Planning Team for guiding the program. Soon after, in cooperation with the E-learning Content Creating Division based in the ICT Center, the E-Learning Center started to design and develop the lessons of this program.
The E-learning Center of Shahid Beheshti University now offers master’s virtual programs in information technology management, entrepreneurship (organizational – business), accounting, business (strategy), educational management, knowledge and information science, human resources education and improvement, educational psychology, computer architecture, software engineering, energy technology, energy systems, digital electronic systems, power systems, electrical machines transportation, power systems planning and operation, international relations, political sciences, natural disasters and earthquake engineering, data mining, algorithm and computation theory, and wood and cellulose products engineering.
Benefits of SBU’s Virtual Programs
- Increasing the attractiveness of course materials by using multimedia tools
- The possibility of communication between faculty members and students through the Internet in the country and the world
- Standard course materials and teaching methods
- Elimination of spatial, temporal and physical restrictions of students and faculty members in performing academic affairs
- Applying new educational methods to promote students’ learning
- Increasing the learning and repeatability of the courses by accessing the archive of class content during the course
- Benefiting from the experiences of faculty members of SBU and other universities