Two Shahid Beheshti University journals have been added to the list of university publications indexed in the international Scopus database

Two Shahid Beheshti University journals have been added to the list of university publications indexed in the international Scopus database.

 According to the Office of Journals and Scientific Resources Publishing, the journals “Earth Science Research” and “Remote Sensing and GIS of Iran" have been accepted for indexing in the Scopus database. These journals are the first Persian-language journals from Shahid Beheshti University to be indexed in Scopus. Soon, articles published in these journals over the past five years will be indexed and included in the Scopus database.

 This significant achievement is the result of the tireless efforts of the managing editors, editors-in-chief, editorial board members, internal managers, and journal experts. It has been realized with the invaluable support of the university's Vice President for Research, the Publications Manager, and the Office of Journals and Scientific Resources Publishing, with reliance on Almighty God.

 It is worth mentioning that several other scientific journals from the university are currently under review for indexing in this database, and more good news in this regard is expected soon.