The Kjeldahl protein measurement device (KjelMaster Buchi K-375) at the Central Laboratory of Shahid Beheshti University

The Kjeldahl protein measurement device (KjelMaster Buchi K-375) at the Central Laboratory of Shahid Beheshti University is ready to offer services to students and researchers.

The most important and standardized method accepted and used by the chemistry and biochemistry community to measure the nitrogen content in various samples is the Kjeldahl laboratory method, also known as Kjeldahl. This device is used for digesting and distilling samples to prepare them for protein analysis.

The application of this device in measuring protein in food (for humans and animals), biological tissues, and some solid and liquid substances is common. By heating the material with sulfuric acid, the device breaks down and removes nitrogen through chemical reactions, allowing for the measurement of the amount and purity of the protein present. This has many applications in various fields for specific processes and research purposes.

Professors, students, and esteemed researchers can schedule appointments and perform analyses by visiting the Central Laboratory website of Shahid Beheshti University at https://centrallab.sbu.ac.ir or by calling 29905427.