Established in 2014, the Unconventional Water Resources Research Center is now part of the Faculty of Civil, Water and Environmental Engineering of SBU. The center supports research and outreach on water resources issues of state, regional, and national importance.
The center encourages an interdisciplinary approach to resolving state, regional and national unconventional water problems and has involved SBU and many other colleges and universities or water and wastewater agencies.
The center supports research on the use of unconventional water resources for water quality monitoring of surface waters and nonconventional water resources.
The primary objectives of the center are to:
• serve as a liaison among different representatives and water/environment experts;
• actively engage water and wastewater agencies in interdisciplinary water resources research, education, and outreach efforts.
The saline water treatment project is a recent interest of the center, exploring the convergence of plasma technology. The center works in partnership with other university departments, and a non-government agency to research and develop this process.
The center has also developed several key guidance documents for management of nonconventional water resources and water reuse fields.