Asghar Abdoli


Update: 2025-03-14

Asghar Abdoli

Environmental Sciences Research Institute (ESRI) /

Journal Paper

  1. "Influence of female age body size and environmental conditions on annual egg production of the bullhead Cottus gobio (Bez drainage France)"
    Asghar Abdoli, D pont, P Sagnes
    JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Vol. 67, pp.1327-1342,
  2. "Molecular and morphological phylogeny of host-specifc Dactylogyrus parasites (Monogenea) sheds new light on the puzzling Middle Eastern origin of European and African lineages"
    Michal Benovics, Farshad Nejat, Asghar Abdoli, Andrea ?imkov?
    Parasites and Vectors, Vol. 732, pp.1-15, 2021
  3. "Minimizing Impact of the Urbanization on the Physical Habitat Suitability of Downstream River by a Multi-objective Optimization"
    Mahdi Sedighkia, Asghar Abdoli
    URBAN ECOSYSTEMS, pp.1-39, 2021
  4. "A Simulation-Optimization System to Assess Dam Removal With a Focus on Environmental Degradation at Downstream"
    Mahdi Sedighkia, Asghar Abdoli
  5. "Efficiency of coupled invasive weed optimization-adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system method to assess physical habitats in streams"
    mahdi sedighkia, Asghar Abdoli
    SN Applied Sciences, Vol. 3, pp.1-14, 2021
  6. "Optimizing monthly ecological flow regime by a coupled fuzzy physical habitat simulation-genetic algorithm method"
    Mahdi Sedighkia, Asghar Abdoli, Datta Bithin
  7. "Utilizing classic evolutionary algorithms to assess the Brown trout (Salmo trutta) habitats by ANFIS-based physical habitat model"
    Asghar Abdoli
    Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, pp.1-13, 2021
  8. "Length-weight relationship and condition factor of fish species in shallow freshwater habitats from Khuzestan Province, Iran. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity"
    Hossein Valikhani, jaber Azami, Asghar Abdoli, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI, Amir Shahin Poor, Kamal Khezri
    Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, Vol. 4, pp.13-21, 2020
  9. "caenidae (insecta Ephemeroptera) of iran with new records and re- description of the nymph of caenis kopetdagi kluge 1985"
    arnold h Staniczek, peter malzacher, jindriska bojkova, pavel sroka, tomas soldan, javid imanpour namin, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI, Asghar Abdoli, roman j godunko
    AQUATIC INSECTS, Vol. 41, pp.106-130, 2020
  10. "Molecular evidence reveals introduced populations of Eiseniella tetraedra (Savigny, 1826) (Annelida, Lumbricidae) with European origins from protected freshwater ecosystems of the southern Alborz Mountains"
    M. Javidkar, Asghar Abdoli, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Zarangis Nahavandi, Mona Yari
    MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH, Vol. 72, pp.44-57, 2020
  11. "Diversity and distribution of Epeorus (Caucasiron) (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae) in Iran, with descriptions of three new species"
    lubos Hrivnik, pavel sroka, Jindriska Bojkova, Roman Godunko, javid imanpour namin, Asghar Abdoli, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI, Arnold Stainiczek
    ZooKeys, Vol. 947, pp.71-102, 2020
  12. "The use of biological indices and diversity indices to evaluate water quality of rivers in Mashhad, Iran"
    Hassan Malvandi, Reyhane Moghanizade, Asghar Abdoli
    BIOLOGIA, Vol. 75, pp.1-15, 2020
  13. "Identification of Establishment Risk and Potential Invasiveness of Non-Native Fish Species in Anzali Wetland, Iran, Using the Freshwater Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK) and Climate Matching Model (CLIMATCH)."
    Seyeddaryoush Moghaddas, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Hossein Rahmani
    Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, Vol. 11, pp.383-392, 2020
  14. "Toward a preliminary assessment of the diversity and origin of Cyprinid fish genus Carassius in Iran"
    Milad Khosravi, Asghar Abdoli, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Reihaneh SaberiPirooz, Katerina Rylkova, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
  15. "Identifying invasive fish species threats to RAMSAR wetland sites in the Caspian Sea regionA case study of the Anzali Wetland Complex (Iran)"
    Seyeddaryoush Moghaddas, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Hossein Rahmani, Lorenzo Vilizzi, Gordon Copp h
    FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY, Vol. 27, pp.1-12, 2020
  16. "fine- scale population genetic structure of endangered caspian sea trout salmo caspius implications for conservation"
    Seyedeh Narjes Tabatabaei, Asghar Abdoli, Iraj Hashemzadeh segherloo, Eric Normandeau, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI, Louis Bernatchez
  17. "Taxonomy of benthic macroinvertebrates in Jajrud River for water quality assessment"
    Farzad Mehrjo, Seyed Hossein Hashemi, Asghar Abdoli, Faeze Hosseinabadi
    Environmental Resources Research, Vol. 8, pp.1-10, 2020
  18. "Mixed stock assessment of lake-run Caspian Sea trout Salmo caspius in the Lar National Park, Iran."
    Seyedeh Narjes Tabatabaei, Asghar Abdoli, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Graig R Primmer, Akarapong Swatdipong, Iraj Hashemzadeh segherloo
    FISHERIES RESEARCH, Vol. 230, 2020
  19. "Assessment the effects of physicochemical parameters on water ecological quality using indices based on macro-invertebrates communities in the Karaj and Jajrood rivers"
    parisa taban, Asghar Abdoli, nemat Khorasani, jaber Azami
    Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Vol. 19, pp.1871-1888, 2020
  20. "Development of a multimetric index based on benthic macroinvertebrates for downstream Jajrud River in Tehran province, Iran"
    Farzad Mehrjo, Asghar Abdoli, Seyed Hossein Hashemi, Faeze Hosseinabadi
    Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Vol. 19, pp.286-296, 2020
  21. "Unravelling the stock structure of the Persian brown trout by otolith and scale shape"
    Fahimeh Rashidabadi, Asghar Abdoli, Fatemeh Tajbakhsh Goorabzarmakhi, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI, Esteban Avigliano
    JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Vol. 96, pp.307-315, 2020
  22. "Length-Weight Relationships for the Benthic Invertebrates of a Mountain River in the Southern Caspian Sea Basin, Iran"
    M Hajiesmaeili, S.A Ayyoubzadeh, Asghar Abdoli
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 21, pp.1831-1841, 2020
  23. "The effects of riprap in enhancing the abundance and coexistence of Gobiidae along the southern Caspian Sea coast"
    Sina Zarrini, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH, Vol. 45, pp.317-323, 2019
  24. "New Oligoneuriidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) from Iran"
    Sroka Pavel , Bojkov? Jind?i?ka , Godunko Roman J., Sold?n Tom?? , Javid Imanpour Namin, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI, Asghar Abdoli, Arnold H. Staniczek
    ZooKeys, Vol. 872, pp.101-126, 2019
  25. "Modelling of thermal habitat loss of Brown trout (Salmo trutta) due to the impact of climatic warming"
    mahdi sedighlia, seyed ali Ayoubzadeh, Asghar Abdoli, Amirabas Ahmadi
    ECOHYDROLOGY and HYDROBIOLOGY, Vol. 19, pp.167-177, 2019
  26. "Infection with metacercaria of Clinostomum complanatum (Trematoda: Clinostomidae) in freshwater fishes from Southern Caspian Sea Basin"
    f Aghlmandi, F Habibi, M.A Afraii, Asghar Abdoli, S Shamsi
    REVUE DE MEDECINE VETERINAIRE, Vol. 169, pp.147-151, 2018
  27. "Initial commented checklist of Iranian mayflies, with new area records and description of Procloeon caspicum sp. n. (Insecta, Ephemeroptera, Baetidae)"
    Jindriska Bojkova, Pavel Sroka, Tomas Soldan, Javid Imanpour namin, Arnold Stainiczek, Marek Polasek, Lubos Herivniak, Asghar Abdoli, Roman Godunko
    ZooKeys, pp.87-123, 2018
  28. "Geometric morphometric and meristic analysis of the deepwater goby Ponticola bathybius (Kessler 1877) (Teleostei Gobiidae) in the Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea"
    fateme tajbakhsh, carol stepien, Asghar Abdoli, narjes tabatabaeei, bahram kiabi
    iranian journal of ichthyology, Vol. 1, pp.64-73, 2018
  29. "Genetic and morphological support for possible sympatric origin of fish from subterranean habitats. Scientific reports"
    Iraj Hashemzadeh segherloo, Eric Normanseau, Laura Benestan, Clement Rougeux, Guillaume Cote, Jean-sebastien Moore, NabiAllah Ghaedrahmati, Asghar Abdoli, Louis Bernatchez
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 2909, pp.1-13, 2018
  30. "Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on sexual maturation sex steroids and thyroid hormone levels in Caspian lamprey (Caspiomyzon wagneri Kessler 1870)"
    M Abedi, B Mojazi-Amiri, Asghar Abdoli, A Javanshir, S Benam, A Namdarian
  31. "Species diversity and catch per unit effort of Gobiidae in Salmanshahr Coastal area the Southern Caspian Sea"
    Seyedeh Mojgan Kalantarian, Asghar Abdoli, bahram hasanzade kiabi
    Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Vol. 16, pp.549-556, 2017
  32. "The role of temperature and daytime as indicators for the spawning migration of the Caspian lamprey Caspiomyzon wagneri Kessler 1870"
    Asghar Abdoli, Mohammadreza Farokhnejad, Hasan Nazari, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 33, pp.553-557, 2016
  33. "Dressing down convergent reduction of the mental disc in Garra (Teleostei Cyprinidae) in the Middle East"
    Iraj Hashemzadeh Segherloo, Asghar Abdoli, S Eagdari, H.R Esmaeili, G Sayyadzadeh, L Bernatchez, E Hallerman, M.F Geiger, M Ozulug, J Laroche, J Freyhof
    HYDROBIOLOGIA, Vol. 778, pp.1-13, 2016
  34. "A study of food consumption of the deep water goby Ponticola bathybius (Kessler 1877) during spring migration in the southern Caspian Sea"
    Fatemeh Tajbakhsh Goorabzarmakhi, Asghar Abdoli, Hassan Rajabi Maham, , Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Vol. 15, pp.1616-1623, 2016
  35. "Comparison of fish diversity in Dalaki and Helleh Rivers of the Persis basin in Bushehr Provinca"
    Abdoli-Rahim Pazira, Asghar Abdoli, Farshad Ghanbari, Saeid Moghdani
    iranian journal of ichthyology, Vol. 3, pp.222-228, 2016
  36. "First record and distribution of the blue tilapia Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner 1864) (Perciformes Cichlidae) in inland waters of Iran"
    Hossein Valikhani, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI
    iranian journal of ichthyology, Vol. 3, pp.19-24, 2016
  37. "Spatial and temporal dynamics of the rock-pool ichthyofauna on Qeshm Island Persian Gulf (Osteichthyes)"
    Asmae Daryanavard, Asghar Abdoli, Mohammad sharif Ranjbar, Mohammad Reza Shokri, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 61, pp.133-138, 2015
  38. "Length-weight relationships of 14 fish species from Tajan River Southern Caspian Sea basin Iran"
    J AAzami, A Esmaeili sari, Asghar Abdoli, H Sahrabi, P.J Van Den
    iranian journal of ichthyology, Vol. 4, pp.299-301, 2015
  39. "Assessment of Ecological Quality of the Tajan River in Iran Using a Multimetric Macroinvertebrate Index and Species Traits"
    , , Asghar Abdoli, , Paul J Van den Brink
    ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Vol. 56, pp.260-269, 2015
  40. "Monitoring and assessment of water health quality in the Tajan River Iran using physicochemical fish and macroinvertebrates indices"
    Jaber Azami, Abbas Esmaili sari, Asghar Abdoli, Hormoz sohrabi, Paul J Van den Brink
  41. "Comparison of human pressures and fish assemblages in the salmonid and cyprinid streams of the southern Caspian Sea basin"
    Hossein Mostafavi, Schinegger Rafaela, Pinter Kurt, Kremser Helga, Majid Bakhtiyari, Asghar Abdoli, Esmaeili Hamid Reza, Azad Teimori, Saber Vatandost, Schmutz Stefan
    iranian journal of ichthyology, Vol. 1, pp.20-34, 2015
  42. "Length-weight relationships of Garra rufa in the Tigris and Persian Gulf basins of Iran"
    iraj Hashemzadeh segherloo, Seyedeh Narjes Tabatabaei, Aghil Mansouri, Asghar Abdoli, Mahdi Ghalenoei, Kiavash Golzarianpour
    International Journal of Aquatic Biology, Vol. 1, pp.25-27, 2015
  43. "Age and growth of spirlins Alburnoides eichwaldii and A. namaki from the Caspian Kavir and Namak basins of Iran"
    S.N Tabatabaei, I Hashemzadeh Soghorloo, Asghar Abdoli, M Milani, R Mirzaei
    iranian journal of ichthyology, Vol. 4, pp.266-273, 2014
  44. "Influence of Female Age Body Size and Environmental Condition on Annual Egg Production of the Barbus grypus (Heckel 1843) in Southern Iran."
    Abdol-Rahim Pazira, Asghar Abdoli, Saeid Moghdani
    ADVANCES IN ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY, Vol. 8, pp.1640-1647, 2014
  45. "Fish diversity and distribution in two protected rivers Sardabrud and Chalus southern Caspian Sea basin Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, M Naderi, H Foroughifard, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    iranian journal of ichthyology, Vol. 2, pp.91-95, 2014
  46. "The diet of Eurasian otters in the Jajrood River system Iran"
    Mirzaei, , Asghar Abdoli
    MAMMAL STUDY, pp.33-41, 2014
  47. "Otolith asymmetry as a proxy of thermal stress in cold water fish do dbservation on natural population of cottus gobio meet experimental results"
    Morgan Novak, Asghar Abdoli, Didier Pont, Pierre Sagnes
    CYBIUM, Vol. 37, pp.281-284, 2013
  48. "Turcinoemacheilus hafezi a new loach from the zagros Mountains Iran (Teleostei Nemacheilidae)"
    K Golzarianpour, Asghar Abdoli, R patimar, J Freyhof
  49. "Gonadal history and plasma sex steroid concentrations in maturing and mature spring migrants of Caspian Lamprey Caspiomyzon wagneri in the Shirud River Southern Caspian Sea Iran"
    M.R farrokhnejad, B Mojazi Amiri, Asghar Abdoli, H Nazari
    ICHTHYOLOGICAL RESEARCH, Vol. 60, pp.1-9, 2013
  50. "Predation by grey wolf on wild ungulates and livestock in central Iran"
    F Hosseini-Zavarei, M.S Farhadinia, M Beheshti-Zavareh, Asghar Abdoli
    JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, Vol. 290, pp.127-134, 2013
  51. "Analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences of Turcinoemacheilus genus (Nemacheilidae Cypriniformes) in Iran"
    s jamshidi, Asghar Abdoli, m sherafatian, K Golzarianpour
    Vol. 12, pp.592-604, 2013
  52. "Feeding strategy of the deepwater Goby Chasar bathybius in the Southern Caspian Sea (Osteichthyes Goiidae)"
    Seyedeh Mojgan Kalantarian, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 59, pp.245-252, 2013
  53. "The Ecological Associations of Surface-Dwelling Lizardsin Qom Province in the Northwest of Central Plateau of Iran"
    , Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Hossein Mostafavi, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Asghar Abdoli,
    PLoS One, Vol. 8, pp.1-10, 2013
  54. "Phylogenetic status of Brown Trout Salmo Trutta population in five revers from the southern Caspian Sea and two inland lake basins Iran a morphogeneti c approach"
    I Hashemzadeh, H Farahmand, Asghar Abdoli, L Bernatchez, C.R Primmer, A Swatdipong, M karami, B khalili
    JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Vol. 81, pp.1479-1500, 2012
  55. "Feeding stretegies of threeNeogobius species in the Gomishan Wetland of Iran South- east Caspian Sea"
    Asghar Abdoli, S Allahyari, R Patimar, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 56, pp.49-54, 2012
  56. "Morphological Features of Two Mesopelagic Fish (Acropoma japonicum and Synagrops adeni) from the Oman Sea Iran"
    N Javadzadeh, G Vosoughi, T Valinassab, M Fatemi, Asghar Abdoli
    WORLD APPLIED SCIENCES JOURNAL, Vol. 17, pp.494-496, 2012
  57. "A survey on infection of Turcinoemacheilus kosswigi first recor of the genus Procamallanus (Nematoda Camallanidae) from Iran."
    F Tajbakhsh, K Golzarianpoor, Asghar Abdoli
    TURKISH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, Vol. 36, pp.395-398, 2012
  58. "Genetic differentiation between two sympatric morphs of the blind Iran cave barb Iranocypris typhlops"
    I Hashemzadeh, L Bernatchez, K Golzarianpour, Asghar Abdoli, A Primmer, M Bakhtiari
    JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Vol. 81, pp.1747-1753, 2012
  59. "Oxynoemacheilus kiabii a new loach from Karkheh River drainage Iran (Teleostei Nemacheilidae)"
    K Golzarianpour, Asghar Abdoli, J Freyhof
  60. "A study on Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in Amirkelayeh wildlife refuge and International Wetland Guilan Province Northern Iran"
    E Hadipoor, M Karami, Asghar Abdoli, B Riazi, R Goljani
  61. "Sex steroids gonadal histology and biological indices of fall and spring Caspian Lamprey (Caspiomyzon wagneri) spawning migrants in the Shirud River Southern Caspian Sea"
    M Ahmadi, Asghar Abdoli, B Amiri, S Fakharzade, S Hoseinifar
  62. "The first record of mesopelagic shark Echinorhinus brucus (Bonnaterre 1788 Squaliformes Echinorhinidae) from the Oman Sea Iran."
    N Javadzadeh, G Vosoughi, MR Fatemi, Asghar Abdoli, T Valinasab
  63. "Determination of age and growth of the mudskipper Periophthalmus waltoni koumans 1955 (Actinopterygii Perciformes) on the mudflats of Qeshm Island and Bandar-Abbas Iran"
    J Sarafraz, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, E Kamrani, A Akbarian
    Vol. 1, pp.25-30, 2011
  64. "Status of the Endemic Loaches of Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, K Golzarianpour, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, M Naderi, R Patimar
    FOLIA ZOOLOGICA, Vol. 60, pp.362-367, 2011
  65. "Comparison of the feeding behaviour and strategy of the killifish Aphanius sophiae Heckel 1847 at two different localities in Iran"
    M Bakhtiyari, S Kamal, Asghar Abdoli, H Esmaeli, M Ebrahimi
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.47-56, 2011
  66. "Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls and total mercury in two fish species (Esox lucius and Carassius auratus) in Anzali Wetland Iran"
    M Sakizadeh, A Esmaeili Sari, Asghar Abdoli, N Bahramifar, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
  67. "Phylogenetic relationships of the algae scraping cyprinid genus Capoeta (Teleostei Cyprinidae)"
    B.A Levin, j Freyhof, Z Lajbner, , Asghar Abdoli,
  68. "Length-weight and Length-Length relationships of three fish species (Cyprinidae( from Chahnimeh reservoirs Zabol in eastern Iran"
    p Zare, s Moodi, J Masudinodushan, Asghar Abdoli
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 27, pp.1425-1426, 2011
  69. "Short-Term storage of semen of Rainbow Trout Interactions of time Antibiotic and Activator"
    H Niksirat, K Sarvi, Asghar Abdoli, S Hajirezaee
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED AQUACULTURE, Vol. 23, pp.358-366, 2011
  70. "Length-weight relationships for nine nemacheilian Loaches (Teleostei) from Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, K Golzarianpoor, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 27, pp.1411-1412, 2011
  71. "Life cycle and feeding habits of the threespined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus (Linnaeus 1758) an alien species in the southeast Caspian Sea"
    Hamid Niksirat, Asghar Abdoli, Azadeh Hatef
    AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 2, pp.97-104, 2010
  72. "Prey size selection of the Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra (Lnnaeus 1758) at the Jajrood River Iran"
    Rohollah Mirzaei, Mahmoud Karami, Afshin Danehkar, Asghar Abdoli, Jim Conroy
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 50, pp.19-25, 2010
  73. "Phylogenetic relationships and biogeographical patterns in circum-mediterranean subfamily leuciscinae (Teleosti Cyprinidae) inferred from both mitochondrial and nuclear data"
    Asghar Abdoli
    , Asghar Abdoli
    ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES, Vol. 88, pp.87-96, 2010
    , Asghar Abdoli, , jorg freyhof
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 47, pp.57-62, 2009
  76. "length weight relationships for seven gobiid fish in the southeastern caspian sea basin iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, , , , , Hossein Mostafavi, ,
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 25, pp.785-786, 2009
  77. ""
    , , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 62, pp.69-80, 2009
    , , , Asghar Abdoli
    HYSTRIX-Italian Journal of Mammalogy, Vol. 20, pp.161-167, 2009
  79. "age and growth of brown trout (salmo trutta) in six rivers of the southern part of caspian basin"
    Azarmidokht Kheirandish, Asghar Abdoli, Hossein Mostafavi, , ,
    JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 5, pp.8-12, 2009
  80. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, , ,
    Vol. 16, 2009
  81. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 16, 2009
  82. "Length-weight relationships for seven gobiid fish species in the southeastern caspian sea basin. Iran"
    Hossein Mostafavi, , Asghar Abdoli, Pooneh Rasooli
  83. "On the status of the critically endangered caspian brown trout salmo trutta caspian during recent decades in the southern caspian sea basin"
    , Asghar Abdoli
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.55-60, 2009
  84. "Life-history variations of killifish(aphanius sophiae) populations in two environmentally different habitats in central Iran"
    , Majid Bakhtiyari, Asghar Abdoli
  85. "The status and conservation of the asiatic black bear in niksgahr country baluchistan district of Iran"
    Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Houman Liaghati, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Asghar Abdoli, Hossein Mostafavi
    JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY, Vol. 42, pp.2379-2387, 2008
  86. "Biological characteristics of the introduced sawbelly Hemiiculter leucisculus (Basilewski 1855) in three wetlands of northern iran alma-gol adji-gol and Ala-gol"
    , Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
  87. "The endemic iranian cave-fish Iranocypris typhlops two taxa or two forms based on the mental disc"
    Asghar Abdoli, ,
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.67-74, 2008
  88. "Length-weight relationships for three species of mudskippers( gobiidae oxudercinae) in the coastal areas of the persian gulf Iran"
    Behrouz Abdoli, Asghar Abdoli,
  89. "Biological characteristics of the introduced sawbelly Hemiculter leucisculus(Basilewski 1855) in three wetlands of northern Iran Alma-Gol Adji-Gol and Ala-Gol"
    Rahman Patimar, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 25, pp.1-4, 2008
  90. "A contribution to biology of Acanthalburnus urmianus (G nther 1899) (Cyprinidae) an Endemic Fish of Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, Pooneh Rasooli, Saiid Soltaninasab
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.111-112, 2008
  91. "Length-weight relationships in Capoeta capoeta capoeta (Gueldenstaedt 1772) in Gorganrud River South Caspian Basin"
    Asghar Abdoli, , Hossein Mostafavi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 24, pp.96-98, 2008
  92. "Intrabasin variations in age and growth of bullhead the effects of temperature"
    Asghar Abdoli, Didier Pont, Pierre Sagnes
    JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Vol. 70, pp.1224-1236, 2007
  93. "First evidence of persian leopard from khaeez area southern Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, , , Hossein Mostafavi, , ,
    CAT NEWS Semiannual, 2007
  94. "On conservation and biology of European otter (Lutra lutra) in Iran"
    , , Asghar Abdoli
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.25-30, 2007
  95. "Gobiid fishes of the genera Chasar Mesogobius and Neogobius (Teleostei Gobiidae) from Iran (South Caspian Basin)"
    , , Asghar Abdoli,
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 41, pp.55-62, 2007
  96. "On the status and biology of the European Otter Lutra lutra (Carnivora Mustelidae) in Iran"
    , Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Asghar Abdoli
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 41, pp.25-29, 2007
  97. "First step of a modeling approach to evaluate spatial heterogeneity in a fish (Cottus gobio) population dynamics"
    Asghar Abdoli, A Chaumot, N Milioni, D pont, S Charles
    ECOLOGICAL MODELLING, pp.263-273, 2006
  98. "Physical structure of the Madar-Sou stream in Golestan National Park"
    , , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 12, pp.100-111, 2005
  99. "Age growth and reproduction of the Caspian roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus) in the Anzali and Gomishan wetlands North Iran"
    , Asghar Abdoli, B.H Kiabi, B Mojazi Amiri, M Karami
  100. "influence offemale age body size and enviromental conditions on annual egg production of the bullhead"
    Asghar Abdoli, d pont, p sagnes
    JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, Vol. 67, pp.1327-1341, 2005
  101. "Age and growth of the Mesopotamin Spiny Eel Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks Solander in Russell 1974) (Mastacembelidae) in Southern Iran"
    , Asghar Abdoli, E Kouhgardi,
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.43-47, 2005
  102. "age structure and growth the mesopotamian spiny eel mastacembelus mastacembelus"
    , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 35, pp.43-47, 2005
  103. "fish species diversity distribution and abundance in kesseliian stream mozandaran iran"
    Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 2, pp.27-32, 2005
  104. "Study of age and growth of Caspian roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus) in Gomishan wetland (Southeastern Caspian Sea)"
    , , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 11, pp.151-162, 2005
  105. "A study of some ecological and biological characters of roach Rutilus rutilus caspicus in Gomishan wetland"
    , , , Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Asghar Abdoli
    pp.103-126, 2002
  106. "On occurrence diet and reproduction of Neogobius fluviatilis in Madarsoo stream Golestan National Park (north eastern Iran)"
    Asghar Abdoli, , P Rsooli
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.122-128, 2002
  107. "The study of juveniles Acipenser persicus Borodin 1987 and A. guldenstadti Brandt 1833 diets in southeast of the Caspian Sea Golestan province Iran"
    , Asghar Abdoli,
    Vol. 2, pp.139-151, 2002
  108. "Food habits of two species of Gobiidae Neogobius fluviatilis Neogobius melanostomus in the Madarsoo stream Golestan National Park"
    Asghar Abdoli,
    Vol. 1, pp.3-15, 2001
  109. "Anatirostrum profundorum a rare deep-water gobiid species from the Caspian Sea"
    , Asghar Abdoli, , B.W Coad
    CYBIUM, Vol. 24, pp.139-159, 2000
  110. "Fish distribution and abundance in the inland waters of Hormuzgan Province Iran with particular reference to endemic species in rivers"
    Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Asghar Abdoli
    Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologi, Vol. 47, pp.87-98, 2000
  111. "Rhinogobius cf. imiles Gill 1859 a goby new to the fish fauna of Iran and the problem of alien invasions."
    , Asghar Abdoli
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.55-59, 2000
  112. "Systematics of an isolated population of tooth-carp from northern Iran (Actinopterygii Cyprinodontidae)"
    , Asghar Abdoli
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.87-102, 2000
  113. "Status of the fish fauna in the South Caspian Basin of Iran"
    Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Asghar Abdoli,
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.57-65, 1999
  114. "Exotic fish species in fresh waters of Iran the"
    Asghar Abdoli, B.W Coad
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, pp.57-65, 1993
  115. ""
    Mahmood Aghili, Asghar Abdoli, Pooneh Rasooli
  116. ""
    Seyedeh Narjes Tabatabaei, Asghar Abdoli, Iraj Hashemzade segherloo, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, louis Bernatchez
    Vol. 19, pp.89-102, 2021
  117. ""
    seyed mehdi Mostafavi, Mohammad reza Rahmani, Mohammad Kaboli, Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 12, pp.251-259, 2020
  118. "Designing a Local Molecular Database to Facilitate the Identification of Mammal Species Habitats in Iran"
    Bahareh Zahedian pishkhani, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Asghar Abdoli, Mohammad Javidkar
    Vol. 12, pp.17-28, 2020
  119. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
  120. ""
    Seyeddaryoush Moghaddas, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, hosein rahmani
    Vol. 18, pp.255-270, 2020
  121. ""
    Mehdi Sedighkia, Asghar Abdoli, Shahrzad Kaviani, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI
    Vol. 73, pp.327-339, 2020
  122. ""
    zenab Abdolahpoor, Hosein Rahmani, Asghar Abdoli, Khosro khalili J
    Vol. 10, pp.1-13, 2020
  123. ""
    fateme Esfahani, Hossein Rahmani, Asghar Abdoli, khosro Jani khalili
    Vol. 7, pp.33-48, 2020
  124. ""
    mehdi badri, Asghar Abdoli, bahram H kiabi, mahmood Karami
    Vol. 11, pp.267-276, 2019
  125. ""
    Kamal Khezri, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Kiabi, Hossein Valikhani, Jaber Azami
    Vol. 17, pp.209-224, 2019
  126. ""
    Hasan Malvandi, Reyhaneh Moghnizadeh, Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 10, pp.381-390, 2018
  127. ""
    Leila Abdoli, Ahmad Savari, M.T Ronagh, Asghar Abdoli, Ehsan Kamrani
    Vol. 6, pp.19-34, 2018
  128. ""
    Hossein Valikhani, Asghar Abdoli, bahram hassan zadeh kiabi, FARSHAD NEJAT PASHAKI, mohammad sadegh saba, Milad Khosravi
    Vol. 15, pp.29-44, 2018
  129. ""
    Zeinab Saeedi, Asghar Abdoli, bahram H kiabi, sahba bahmanpoor, mahnaz hamedian
    Vol. 9, pp.151-160, 2018
  130. ""
    mehdi sedigh kia, Asghar Abdoli, seyed ali ayobzadeh, Amir Abbas Ahmadi, Mohammad Gholizadeh
    Vol. 43, pp.543-560, 2017
  131. ""
    Zeinab Saeedi, Asghar Abdoli, bahram H kiabi, sina zarini
    Vol. 9, pp.259-268, 2017
  132. ""
    Asameh Babaei, Iraj Hashemzadeh sagharloo, Razieh Poor Ahmad, Mojtaba pooria, Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 70, pp.26-35, 2017
  133. ""
    leila Abdoli, Ahmad Savari, Mohmmad Taghi Ronagh, Asghar Abdoli, Ehsan Kamrani
    Vol. 4, pp.13-24, 2017
  134. ""
    , , , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 3, pp.39-47, 2016
  135. ""
    Tahereh Afshar, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    Vol. 15, pp.1-7, 2016
  136. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, Zahra Azizi, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Amir Abbas Mashhadi Ahmadi, Kiavash Golzarianpour
    Vol. 5, pp.1-17, 2016
  137. ""
    Shilan Parvandi, Asghar Abdoli, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    Vol. 6, pp.20-32, 2016
  138. ""
    Fatemeh Tajbakhsh Goorabzarmakhi, Asghar Abdoli, Hassan Rajabi Maham, , Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    Vol. 8, pp.51-60, 2016
  139. ""
    Arsalan behlakeh, Rahman Patimar, Asghar Abdoli, Kiavash Golzarianpour
    Vol. 4, pp.15-29, 2016
  140. ""
    Zahra Azizi, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Amir Abbas Mashhadi Ahmadi, Kiavash Golzariapour
    Vol. 3, pp.1-17, 2016
  141. ""
    Zeynab Shirchi Sasi, Asghar Abdoli, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    Vol. 68, pp.83-93, 2015
  142. ""
    , , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 7, pp.195-206, 2015
  143. ""
    Mohammad Ahmadi, Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 14, pp.1-10, 2015
  144. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi,
    Vol. 67, pp.479-489, 2015
  145. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, , , ,
    Vol. 2, pp.59-69, 2015
  146. ""
    Tahereh Afshar, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    Vol. 6, pp.33-40, 2014
  147. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 27, pp.219-225, 2014
  148. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, , ,
    Vol. 9, pp.171-178, 2014
  149. ""
    , , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 8, pp.15-25, 2014
  150. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, , ,
    Vol. 8, pp.1-6, 2014
  151. ""
    , , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 67, pp.95-108, 2014
  152. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli,
    Vol. 27, pp.13-21, 2014
  153. ""
    , , , , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 8, pp.59-66, 2013
  154. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    Vol. 12, pp.33-46, 2013
  155. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    Vol. 66, pp.173-184, 2013
  156. ""
    , , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 1, pp.63-73, 2013
  157. ""
    , , , Asghar Abdoli
    pp.1-8, 2013
  158. "Age and growth of Capoeta damascina in Dalaki river Boushehr province"
    Azarmidokht Kheirandish, Asghar Abdoli
  159. ""
    Shabnam Chavooshi, Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 3, pp.276-281, 2013
  160. ""
    Leila Abdoli, Ehsan Kamrani, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Kiabi, Ebrahim Rezazadeh
    Vol. 65, pp.421-428, 2013
  161. ""
    Tahereh Afshar, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    Vol. 2, pp.42-52, 2012
  162. ""
    Mojtaba Pooria, Asghar Abdoli, Mohammad Kazamian, Fathali Noori, Hosein Khara, Farshad Ejraei
    Vol. 3, pp.17-26, 2012
  163. ""
    I Hashemzadeh, H Farahmand, Asghar Abdoli, L Bernatchez, M Karami
    Vol. 65, pp.327-337, 2012
  164. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, , Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    Vol. 1, pp.43-53, 2012
  165. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 1, pp.43-54, 2012
  166. ""
    , Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 64, pp.309-318, 2012
  167. ""
    , , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 64, pp.269-279, 2011
  168. ""
    , , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 64, pp.313-323, 2011
  169. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 25, pp.90-96, 2011
  170. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, , ,
    pp.21-27, 2011
  171. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 64, pp.163-176, 2011
  172. ""
    Abbas Jafari, Mahmood Karami, Asghar Abdoli, Abbas Esmaeili Sari, Ghasem Mortezaei
    Vol. 25, pp.101-112, 2011
  173. ""
    Abdolrahim Pazira, Gholamhosein Vosoghi, Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 5, pp.57-69, 2011
  174. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli, , siamak yosefi
    Vol. 3, pp.11-18, 2011
  175. ""
    , , Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 20, 2011
  176. "Age and growth of the Mudskipper Scartelaos tenuis (Day 1876) (Gobiidae Oxudercinae) in the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf at Bushehr Province Iran"
    L Abdoli, E Kamrani, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Vol. 51, pp.113-115, 2010
  177. ""
    Shafagh Kamal, Majid Bakhtiyari, Mahmoud Karami, Asghar Abdoli, Soheil Eigdari
  178. ""
    Seyed Ali Johari, Sohrab Mazloomi, Asghar Abdoli, Hasan Khagavi, Saba Asghari
  179. ""
    Mehdi Gahlenoei, Jamileh Pazooki, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Kiavash Golzarian poor
  180. ""
    Tahereh Bagheri, Seyed Ali Akbar Hedayati, Asghar Abdoli
  181. ""
    Jamileh Pazooki, Mehdi Ghalenoei, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi,
    Vol. 3, pp.107-117, 2010
  182. ""
    Hasan Nazari, Asghar Abdoli, Gholamhosein Vosoghi, Farhad Keymaram
  183. ""
    , , , Asghar Abdoli,
    pp.65-77, 2010
    Asghar Abdoli, , , , Hossein Mostafavi, ,
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, Vol. 25, pp.785-786, 2009
  185. ""
    , , , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 16, 2009
  186. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 15, 2008
  187. ""
    Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Asghar Abdoli, Hossein Mostafavi, ,
    Vol. 34, pp.119-128, 2008
  188. ""
    , , Hossein Mostafavi, , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 34, pp.1-18, 2008
  189. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 17, 2008
  190. "Physiognomical study in Plant habitats in Qom province"
    , Asghar Abdoli, Hossein Mostafavi, Faraham Ahmadzadeh,
    Vol. 5, pp.81-96, 2007
  191. ""
    Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Asghar Abdoli, Hossein Mostafavi, , Faraham Ahmadzadeh
    Vol. 5, pp.81-96, 2007
  192. "A preliminary survey on diet of Capoeta capoeta gracilis in Talar and Yasalegh rivers from the sourthern basin in Caspian sea"
    Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 2, pp.53-62, 2006
  193. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 12, pp.100-111, 2005
  194. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli,
    Vol. 12, 2005
  195. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    Vol. 57, pp.715-728, 2005
  196. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 11, pp.151-162, 2005
  197. "A study of fish species diversity in Talar river in Mazandaran"
    Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 1, pp.20-29, 2003
  198. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 9, pp.139-151, 2002
  199. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, , , ,
    Vol. 55, pp.225-241, 2002
  200. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, , , ,
    Vol. 11, pp.103-126, 2002
  201. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    Vol. 8, pp.3-15, 2001
  202. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, , ,
    Vol. 54, pp.383-399, 2001
  203. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, B.W Coad,
    Vol. 9, pp.73-76, 2000
  204. "First record of Rhinogobius similis"
    Asghar Abdoli, ,
    Vol. 1, 2000
  205. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    Vol. 6, pp.38-51, 1999
  206. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 6, pp.3-15, 1998
  207. ""
    , Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 7, pp.4-15, 1996
  208. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, , , ,
    Vol. 7, pp.24-26, 1994
  209. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 4, pp.58-59, 1994
  210. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 3, pp.45-45, 1993
  211. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 4, pp.10-13, 1993
  212. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 4, pp.32-33, 1993
  213. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    Vol. 8, pp.54-55, 1992

Conference Paper

  1. "Biodiversity Conservation of Rivers through Landscape Ecology Approach"
    Toktam Makki, Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli
    The 2nd International Conference of IALE-Iran, 2016
  2. "Water quality assessment by benthic bio-indicator Case study upper basin of Jajrood River central Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, Tahereh Ebrahimi, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    33rd SIL(international Society of Limnology) Congress, pp.221-222, 2016
  3. "Invasive fish species in three lakes of northern Iran implication for importance threats status and conservation."
    Rahman Patimar, Asghar Abdoli
    The International Symposium on State of Lake Vanern Ecosystem, pp.46-47, 2012
  4. "Female biased angling harvests of brown trout Salmo trutta in Lar National Park Lake Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, H Niksirat, A.A Mashhadi ahmadi, K Golzarianpoor
    The International Symposium On State Of Lake Vanern Ecosystem, pp.46-46, 2012
  5. "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functiong in Coastal Lagoons of Southeastern Caspian Basin Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli,
    2th International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 2011
  6. "Conservation status of coastal lagoons in Iran example of southern Caspian lagoons."
    Asghar Abdoli, R patimar
    2th International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 2011
    Asghar Abdoli
  8. "fish population dynamics in 2 protected rivers Sardabrud and Chalus Southern Caspian sea Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli
    dynamics of inland fish and fisheries, 2010
  9. "synthesis of fish population survey methods in inland waters of Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli
    fish sampling with active methods, 2010
    certificate of participation, 2010
  11. "status of the endemic loaches of Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli
    international loach conference 2010, 2010
  12. "Threatening factors of survival of fish diversity in the south caspian basin Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli,
  13. "Phytogeography vegetation flora and conservation of the N.E. protected islands of persian gulf(s.w. Iran)"
    Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Asghar Abdoli, Faraham Ahmadzadeh
    Middle eastern biodiversity congress aqaba, 2008
  14. "Biology of the shrpnose mullet liza saliens (Risso 1810) in the Gorgan bay-miankaleg wildlife refuge (southeast Caspian sea)"
    Asghar Abdoli
    5th world Fisheries congress, 2008
  15. "Fringing coral communities in kharku Island persian gulf"
    Hossein Mostafavi, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Asghar Abdoli, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Faraham Ahmadzadeh
    Middle eastern biodiversity congress aqaba, 2008
  16. "Feasibility of Le Cren Method for population Estimation of Freshwater fish in Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, Rahman Patimar, Hossein Mostafavi, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Pooneh Rasooli
    Fish Stock Assessment Methods for Lakes and Reservoirs Towards the true picture of fish stock, 2007
  17. "Feeding habits of Paracobitis malapterurus in some streams of Eastern Alborz Mountain Golestan Province Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, R Patimar, A Pesaraklou
    3 rd International Conference on Biology Systematic Genetics Distribution Ecology and Conservati, 2006
  18. "Within population variability in annual egg production of Bullhead (Cottus gobio) influence of densities maternal effect and thermal gradient"
    Asghar Abdoli, D Pont, P Sagnes
    29th Congress of the International Association of Limnology, 2004
  19. "A preliminary study of inland water fish distribution and abundance in hormozgan province (with emphasis on endemic species in rivers)"
    Asghar Abdoli,
    Seventh International Symposium on the Ecology of Fluvial Fishes, 1999
  20. "The populations food consumption and reproduction of Neogobius fluviatilis in a small stream of Madarso Golestan national park North East of Iran"
    Asghar Abdoli, H Rahmani
    Seventh International Symposium on the Ecology of Fluvial Fishes, 1999
  21. "Fish Species Status in Southern Caspian Sea"
    Asghar Abdoli
    First International Student Seminar of Costal University of the Caspian Sea, 1921
  22. ""
    Nasim Parnian, Asghar Abdoli, leila Abdoli
    , 2020
  23. ""
    Fahimeh Rashidabadi, Asghar Abdoli
    , 2020
  24. ""
    Bahareh Zahedian pishkhani, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Asghar Abdoli, Mohammad Javidkar
    , pp.79-79, 2019
  25. ""
    Zarangis Nahavandi, Asghar Abdoli, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, JavidKar Mohammad
    , pp.71-71, 2019
  26. "The effect of Caspian trout, Salmo caspius stocking on genetic differentiation of the fish populations in downstream of the Lar Dam"
    Seyedeh Narjes Tabatabaei, Asghar Abdoli, Iraj Segherloo Hashemzadeh, Faraham Ahmadzadeh
    The 7th Iranian Conference of Ichthyology, pp.160-161, 2019
  27. ""
    Seyeddaryoush Moghaddas, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Hossein Rahmani
    4th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran, pp.1-10, 2019
  28. ""
    Batol Ghafari Khah, Hossein Mostafavi, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Babak Mirbagheri, Asghar Abdoli
    The Fifth Iranian Conference of Ichthyology, pp.493-504, 2017
  29. ""
    Batol Ghafari Khah, Hossein Mostafavi, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Babak Mirbagheri, Asghar Abdoli
    The Fifth Iranian Conference of Ichthyology, pp.645-653, 2017
  30. ""
    Mohammad Rashidian Doleskani, Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli, Ghobad Moradirad
    , 2016
  31. ""
    Ghobad Moradirad, Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Azad Teimori, Mohammad Rashidian Doleskani
    , 2016
  32. ""
    Fatemeh Tajbakhsh Goorabzarmakhi, Asghar Abdoli, Hassan Rajabi Maham, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    , 2016
  33. ""
    Fatemeh Tajbakhsh Goorabzarmakhi, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    , pp.1-2, 2016
  34. ""
    Fatemeh Tajbakhsh Goorabzarmakhi, Asghar Abdoli, Hassan Rajabi Maham, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    , pp.2-3, 2016
  35. ""
    Zeinab Mahmoudi, Toktam Makki, Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli
    , pp.193-194, 2016
  36. ""
    Hossein Valikhani, Asghar Abdoli, Kamal Khezri
    , pp.1-10, 2015
  37. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    , 2015
  38. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    , 2014
  39. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    , 2014
  40. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2014
  41. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2014
  42. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2014
  43. ""
    Asghar Abdoli
    , 2014
  44. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2014
  45. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2014
  46. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2014
  47. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2014
  48. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi,
    , 2013
  49. ""
    azam amirgholami, Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Zeynab Shirchi Sasi
    , 2013
  50. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2013
  51. "Predicting Presence and Absence of Trout (Salmonidae Salmo trutta) in Iran"
    Hossein Mostafavi, Florian Pletterbauer, Brian W Coad, Abdolrasoul Salman Mahini, Rafaela Schinegger, Clemens Trautwein, Hamid Reza Esmaeili, Asghar Abdoli, Saber Vatandoust, Stefan Schmutz
    , 2013
  52. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2013
  53. ""
    Zeynab Shirchi, Asghar Abdoli, Davood Torki
    , 2013
  54. ""
    Maryam Alizadeh, Rahman Patimar, Asghar Abdoli, Mohammad Farhangi
    , 2012
  55. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi
    , 2012
  56. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2012
  57. ""
    Tahereh Ebrahimi, Sima Mohammadi, Asghar Abdoli, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    , 2012
  58. ""
    N Tabatabaii, B Majazi, A Hashemzadeh, H Niksirat, Asghar Abdoli
    , 2011
  59. ""
    M Naderi, Asghar Abdoli, A Esmaeili, M Mirzakhani
    , 2011
  60. ""
    A Hashemzadeh, H Farahmand, Asghar Abdoli, M Karami,
    , 2011
  61. ""
    A Hashemzadeh, K Golzarianpour, Asghar Abdoli, N Tabatabaii
    the 7th national biotechnology congress of I.R. iran, 2011
  62. ""
    Iraj Hashemzadeh sogharlo, Kiavash Golzarianpour, Asghar Abdoli, S.Narjes Tabatabaee
    the 7th national biotechnology congress of I.R. iran, 2011
  63. ""
    Iraj Hashemzadeh sogharloo, Hamid Farahmand, Asghar Abdoli
    the 7th national biotechnology congress of I.R. iran, 2011
  64. ""
    A Hashemzadeh, H Farahmand, Asghar Abdoli
    the 7th national biotechnology congress of I.R. iran, 2011
  65. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2011
  66. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2010
  67. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2010
  68. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2010
  69. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2010
  70. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2009
  71. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, Hossein Mostafavi
    , 2007
  72. ""
    Shafagh Kamal, Majid Bakhtiyari, Asghar Abdoli,
    , 2007
  73. ""
    Asghar Abdoli, Bahram Hasanzadeh kiabi, Hossein Mostafavi, Faraham Ahmadzadeh,
    First Iranian Conference of Ecology, 2006
  74. "Lizards Biodiversity of Qum Province"
    Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Asghar Abdoli, Hossein Mostafavi,
    First Iranian Conference of Ecology, 2006
  75. ""
    Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli,
    First Iranian Conference of Ecology, 2006
  76. ""
    Hossein Mostafavi, Asghar Abdoli,
    First Iranian Conference of Ecology, 2006
  77. ""
    Asghar Abdoli,
    , pp.1-2, 2006