Ghasem Kekhosravi

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-02-21

Ghasem Kekhosravi

Earth Sciences / Physical Geography

Journal Paper

  1. "Application of machine learning and deep learning techniques in modeling the associations between air pollution and meteorological parameters in urban areas of tehran metropolis"
    Parisa Kahrari, Shariar Khaledi, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Seyed Jalil Alavi
  2. "Investigation of synoptic patterns of fire occurrence in the forests of the western Alborz Mountains"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Amene Yahyavi dizaj
    THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, Vol. 154, pp.1151-1163, 2023
  3. "Study on the spatial relationships in the number of Covid-19 patients based on ordinary least squares regression and Moran's spatial autocorrelation test (Case study: Iran, Lorestan province)"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi,
    Sustainable Earth Review, Vol. 3, pp.17-26, 2023
  4. "Effects of climates and physical variables of parks on the radius and intensity of cooling of the surrounding settlements"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Shariar Khaledi, Mahboobeh Shahmoradi
    Urban Climate, Vol. 51, pp.1-16, 2023
  5. "Evaluating the efect of heat waves on early melting of snow covers of Karkheh catchment in Iran"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi
    NATURAL HAZARDS, Vol. 108, pp.2167-2186, 2021
  6. "Impact of the inversion and air pollution on the number of patients with Covid-19 in the metropolitan city of Tehran"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, seyedeh fatemeh fadavi
    Urban Climate, Vol. 37, 2021
  7. "Monitoring agricultural drought in Iran using time series of vegetation health index"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Sozan Rastegare
    Sustainable Earth Review, Vol. 1, pp.52-61, 2021
  8. "The effect of heat waves on the intensification of the heat island of Iran's metropolises (Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz, Ahvaz)"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi
    Urban Climate, Vol. 28, 2019
  9. "Annual Fluctuations and Displacements of Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) within the Range of Atlantic Ocean-India"
    Hassan Lashkari, Zinab Mohamadi, Ghasem Kekhosravi
    OPEN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, pp.12-33, 2017
  10. "Investigating the effects of criteria air pollutants and meteorological parameters on the change of black carbon concentration in Tehran and Tabriz"
    Parisa Kahrari, Shariar Khaledi, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Jalil Alavi
    Vol. 14, pp.35-58, 2025
  11. "Analyzing the Relationship Between Meteorological Elements and Criteria Atmospheric Pollutants in Tabriz Using Statistical Modeling"
    Parisa Kahrari, Shariar Khaledi, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Seyed Jalil Alavi
    Vol. 22, pp.69-90, 2024
  12. "The trend analysis of dust phenomenon changes in the western region of Iran during 1979-2018"
    Amene Yahyavi dizaj, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 14, pp.147-162, 2023
  13. ""
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Alireza Shakiba, Pegah Hamidpour
    Vol. 3, pp.83-100, 2022
  14. ""
    Shariar Khaledi, Hassan Behtooiy, Mahshid eltemasi, Ghasem Kekhosravi
    pp.63-94, 2022
  15. ""
    Shariar Khaledi, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Farzaneh Ahmadi Barati
    Vol. 31, pp.179-197, 2022
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    Shariar Khaledi, Hassan Behtooiy, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Mehdi Sadaqat
    Vol. 11, pp.233-264, 2022
  17. ""
    Hassan Behtooiy, Shariar Khaledi, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Mehdi Sadaqat
    Vol. 9, pp.255-269, 2022
  18. ""
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Shariar Khaledi, Amene Yahyavi dizaj
    Vol. 7, pp.61-78, 2020
  19. ""
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Shariar Khaledi, Ameneh Yahyavi dizaj
    Vol. 29, pp.43-56, 2020
  20. ""
    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Neda Karimiyan
    Vol. 9, pp.1-20, 2020
  21. ""
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Nemat allh Hosseini nia
    Vol. 12, pp.33-46, 2020
  22. ""
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, hamid bayat
    Vol. 17, pp.205-224, 2020
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    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Amene Yahyavi dizaj
    Vol. 10, pp.139-153, 2019
  24. ""
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Zinab Mohamadi
    Vol. 12, pp.123-140, 2019
  25. ""
    Zahra ear Moradi, Ghasem Kekhosravi, behrouz Nasiri
    Vol. 9, pp.51-67, 2018
  26. ""
    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi
    Vol. 6, pp.63-86, 2018
  27. "RegCM4 Dynamic Model Output for Simulation of Seasonal and Annual Data of Precipitation0Temperature in the East and North East of Iran"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi
    Vol. 17, pp.191-211, 2018
  28. ""
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Mahboubeh as
    Vol. 10, pp.59-89, 2017
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    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Hassan Lashkari, Mojtaba Baghaei, Mahdi Nahardani
    Vol. 8, pp.125-147, 2016
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    Mahmoud Ahmadi, Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi, majid azadi
    Vol. 25, pp.157-170, 2016
  31. ""
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, Hassan Lashkari, , Ghasem Kekhosravi
    Vol. 6, pp.34-52, 2015
  32. ""
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi,
    Vol. 13, pp.1-14, 2015
  33. ""
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi,
    Vol. 13, pp.53-75, 2015
  34. "Locating suitable sites for artificial feeding of underground water sources and flood spreading areas using geographic information system (GIS) (case study: Sabzevar city)"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, zahra mordi
    Vol. 23, pp.25-31, 2014
  35. "Analysis of the relationship between the thickness of the inversion height and intensity of pollution in Tehran"
    Ghasem Kekhosravi, Hassan Lashkari
    Vol. 18, pp.231-257, 2014
  36. ""
    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi
    Vol. 65, pp.150-177, 2010
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    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi,
  38. ""
    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi, ali rezaei
    Vol. 8, pp.247-270, 2009
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    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi
    Vol. 14, pp.191-231, 2009
  40. ""
    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi
    pp.17-35, 2009
  41. ""
    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi
    Vol. 27, pp.95-135, 2008
  42. ""
    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi
    Vol. 28, pp.191-231, 2008
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    Hassan Lashkari, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Ali Rezae
    Vol. 60, pp.247-280, 2008