Hajar Falahzade

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-13

Hajar Falahzade

Education and Psychology / Counseling

Journal Paper

  1. "Investigating the Mediating Role of Self-Differentiation and Emotion Regulation in the Relationship between Dyadic Perfectionism and Marital Satisfaction"
    Hajar Falahzade, Moloud Sivandian
    The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 53, pp.66-79, 2025
  2. "Predicting Emotional Divorce Based on Dyadic Perfectionism and Resilience in Women"
    Soheila Ghani Abadi, Hajar Falahzade, Vafa Mostafa
    Vol. 11, pp.62-83, 2024
  3. "Comparing the Differences in Children's Perceptions of Parental Conflict, Self-Differentiation and Being Triangulated in Individuals with and without Functional Constipation Due to Pelvic Floor Dysfunction"
    Reyhaneh Rastegar, Hajar Falahzade, Amir Sadeghi, Fariba Zarani, Saeed Abdi
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY THERAPY, Vol. 51, pp.236-250, 2021
  4. "the relation between marital adjustment and posttraumatic growth in infertile couples the mediatory role of religious coping strategies"
    Seyyedefateme Ghafoorisabzevari, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.221-229, 2016
  5. ""
    Hajar Falahzade, Mehran Asadee, Vafa Mostafa
  6. ""
    Sara Noori Sandyani, Hajar Falahzade, Taghi Pourebrahim, Neda Nazar Boland
  7. ""
    Bahareh Anjomshoaa, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology,
  8. "The Relation between Marital Conflicts and Loneliness in Children the mediating role of Mother s Depression"
    Bahareh Anjom Shoaa, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
  9. ""
    , Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology,
  10. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland, Parvin Amini Yegane, Hajar Falahzade
  11. "The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs in the Relationship between Family Functioning and Psychological Distress among Students"
    Ali Asghar Hafez, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 20, pp.143-168, 2024
  12. ""
    Hadiseh Rezaei, Hajar Falahzade, Leili Panaghi
    Vol. 22, pp.240-265, 2023
  13. ""
    Hajar Falahzade, Mehran Asadi, Vafa Mostafa, Omid Hamidi
    Vol. 18, pp.535-550, 2022
  14. "Iranian Parents' Standards for Desireable Child-in-law"
    ROYA MONTAZERI GHAHJAVARESTANI, Mona Cheraghi, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 18, pp.23-38, 2022
  15. ""
    Fariba Tabkhi, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    Vol. 81, pp.180-210, 2022
  16. ""
    Vafa Mostafa, Hajar Falahzade, Shahla Amereheeborchelooyi, Hamid Omidi
    Vol. 19, pp.185-218, 2021
  17. ""
    Shahla Amereheeborchelooyi, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 9, pp.129-155, 2021
  18. "Modeling Structural Equations of Relationships between Attachment Styles and Self-Differentiation with Academic Performance of University Students with the Mediating Role of Health Promoting Lifestyle"
    Vafa Mostafa, Hajar Falahzade, Soroor Ahmadi, Omid Hamidi
    Vol. 20, pp.110-138, 2021
  19. ""
    Omid Hamidi, Hadi Mirza Poor, Hajar Falahzade, Vafa Mostafa
  20. ""
    MONA BAGHBANI NADER, Mahin Norouzi, Moslem Shabani, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 9, pp.85-92, 2020
  21. ""
    Hajar Falahzade, Fateme Kaikha, Mansoureh alsadat Sadeghi
    Vol. 1, pp.107-125, 2019
  22. "Predicting Married Men's Caregiving Dimensions Based on Emotional Intelligence Components with Mediator Role of Self-Esteem"
    Hajar Falahzade, Reyhane Rezapour Faridian, Vafa Mostaffa
    Vol. 13, pp.109-120, 2019
  23. ""
    Neda Nazar Boland, Parvin Aminiyeganeh, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 9, pp.1-8, 2019
  24. "The Mediating Role of Caregiving Dimensions in Relationship between Attachment Dimensions and Sexual Satisfaction among Couples"
    Reyhane Rezapour Faridian, Hajar Falahzade, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Leili Panaghi
    Vol. 15, pp.45-67, 2019
  25. ""
    Vafa Mostafa, Hajar Falahzade, Hadi Mirzapour
    Vol. 6, pp.145-165, 2019
  26. ""
    Vafa Mostafa, Hajar Falahzade, Reyhane Rezapoorfaridian
    Vol. 14, pp.201-220, 2018
  27. ""
    Mojtaba Yusefikia, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 3, pp.364-377, 2018
  28. ""
    Mojtaba Yusefikia, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 23, pp.350-365, 2018
  29. ""
    Hajar Falahzade, Sara Noori, Taghi Pourebrahim, Neda Nazar Boland
    Vol. 14, pp.135-150, 2018
  30. "The mediating role of caregiving dimensions in relationship between attachment dimensions and sexual satisfaction in couples during the family life cycles"
    Reyhane Rezapoorfaridian, Hajar Falahzade, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Leili Panaghi
    Vol. 8, pp.215-241, 2018
  31. "Effectiveness of Accepance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Wemon s marital disaffection and marital quality"
    Amin Nazari, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    Vol. 43, pp.433-453, 2017
  32. ""
    Bahareh Anjomshoaa, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    Vol. 22, pp.58-66, 2016
  33. ""
    Kimya Bayegan, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 4, pp.8-18, 2016
  34. "The Comparison of Object Relations and Relation with Father in Divorce Demanding and Non Divorce Dimanding"
    Hajar Falahzade, Ramin Hashemi Geshnigani, Mansoureh alsadat Sadeghi, Malihe Mirzaee
    Vol. 6, pp.44-59, 2016
  35. ""
    Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 22, pp.58-66, 2016
  36. ""
    Ali Hosainzade Oskuee, Mohammad Sadegh ZamaniZArchi, Sayed Vahid Tavalaee Zavere, Hajar Falahzade
    Journal of Analytical- Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 25, pp.53-61, 2016
  37. "The comparison of self-discrepancy among individuals"
    Mansoureh alsadat Sadeghi, , Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 2, pp.39-48, 2015
  38. ""
    Mansoureh alsadat Sadeghi, Ramin Hashemi geshnigani, Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 2, pp.39-48, 2015
  39. ""
    , , Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 13, pp.5-22, 2014
  40. "A study on the effectiveness of emotionally focused couple therapy and integrated couple therapy on reducing intimacy anxiety"
    Hajar Falahzade, ,
    Vol. هشتم, pp.469-484, 2013
  41. ""
    Hajar Falahzade,
    Vol. 10, pp.25-35, 2013
  42. "study of the effects of emotionally focused couple therapy and integrated systemic couple therapy on resolving attachment injury"
    Hajar Falahzade, , ,
    Vol. 11, pp.7-28, 2012
  43. ""
    Hajar Falahzade, ,
    Vol. پنجمين, pp.70-79, 2011
  44. ""
    , Hajar Falahzade
    Vol. 3, pp.65-78, 2004

Conference Paper

  1. ""
    Fateme Haidari, Elham Hakimi Rad, Hajar Falahzade
    , 2018
  2. ""
    Reyhane Rezapoorfaridian, Hajar Falahzade, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi
    , 2017
  3. "The Effectiveness of Spirituality Group Therapy on Improving Mother-Child Relationships of Deaf Children s Mothers"
    Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Sharareh Hajihosaini
    9th International Congress for Psychotherapy - Asian Chapter of WCP, 2016
  4. "the comparison between conviction history addiction drug and alcohol consuming in the family family disintegration life milieu and the type of crime in juvenile delinquents"
    Hajar Falahzade
    the 8th international congress of addiction science, 2014
  5. "Comparison of family emotional training environment ad style of reacting to problems in drug consumer and non-drug consumer adolescent"
    Hajar Falahzade
    the 8th international congress of addiction science, 2014
  6. ""
    Tannaz Zare, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    , pp.841-865, 2021
  7. ""
    Tahaere Eskandari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    , pp.94-118, 2021
  8. ""
    Fariba Tabkhi, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, 2019
  9. ""
    Fariba Tabkhi, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, 2019
  10. ""
    Reyhane Rezapour Faridian, Hajar Falahzade, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Leili Panaghi
    , 2018
  11. ""
    Reyhane Rezapoorfaridian, Hajar Falahzade, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Leili Panaghi
    , 2018
  12. ""
    Hajar Falahzade
    , 2018
  13. ""
    Shahla Mahmoodi, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Hajar Falahzade
    , 2017
  14. ""
    Vafa Mostafa, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Hajar Falahzade
    , 2017
  15. ""
    Rahele Sadeghi Someea, Hajar Falahzade, Nasrin Shirazi
    , No 12 , pp.1017-1021, 2017
  16. ""
    Hajar Rashidi, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Hajar Falahzade, Ebrahim Alizadeh
    , 2017
  17. ""
    Sara Noori Sandyani, Hajar Falahzade, Taghi Pourebrahim, Neda Nazar Boland
    , 2017
  18. ""
    Fateme Yavari, Hajar Falahzade, Saeed Ghanbari, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    , 2017
  19. ""
    Fatemeh Kaykha, Hajar Falahzade, Mansoureh alsadat Sadeghi, Roya Rasooli
    , 2017
  20. ""
    Nikoo Zarfeshan, Neda Nazar Boland, Hajar Falahzade
    , 2017
  21. ""
    Hajar Falahzade
    , 2016
  22. ""
    Hajar Falahzade
    , 2016
  23. ""
    amin nazari, Hajar Falahzade, Neda Nazar Boland
    , 2016
  24. "Predicting Being Abused in Marital Relationships Based on Communicational Patterns and Fear of Intimacy in Married Women"
    Hadiseh Rezaee, Hajar Falahzade, Leili Panaghi
    congress of Police psychology and counselling, 2016
  25. ""
    Hajar Falahzade
    , 2014
  26. "Relationships between Marital Communication Patterns with Inernalizing Problems in Adolescent Girld"
    Hajar Falahzade
    , 2014
  27. ""
    Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Seyedabdulhadi Seyedfatemi
    , pp.226-261, 2014
  28. ""
    Hajar Falahzade
    , 2014
  29. ""
    Ladan Mansoor, Hajar Falahzade,
    , No ششمين , pp.594-595, 2014
  30. ""
    Hajar Falahzade, Marsa Asadrakht
    , No 13 , pp.1-5, 2014
  31. ""
    Sara Sajadifar, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Hajar Falahzade
    Iron and Steel Symposium 2000, 2001