Hamidollah Hassanlouei

Assistant Professor

Update: 2024-09-05

Hamidollah Hassanlouei

Physical Education and Sport Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "The effect of instructional and motivational self-talk on accuracy and electromyography of active and passive muscles in elbow joint position sense test"
    Nastaran Naderirad, Behrouz Abdoli, Alireza Farsi, Hamidollah Hassanlouei
    International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Vol. 21, pp.600-615, 2022
  2. "Submaximal fatiguing contractions reduce stability of voluntary postural control more than maximal fatiguing contractions"
    Zeinab Hatami Bahman Begloo, Francesco Budini, Hamidollah Hassanlouei, Alireza Farsi, Markus Tilp
    GAIT and POSTURE, Vol. 92, pp.407-412, 2022
  3. "The Effect of Landmarks With Their Color on Learning Basketball Lay-Up in Beginners"
    Razieh Raeisiyan, Behrouz Abdoli, Alireza Farsi, Hamidollah Hassanlouei
    Journal of Motor Learning and Development, Vol. 9, pp.286-295, 2021
  4. "Electromyographic Evaluation of the Shoulder Muscle after a Fatiguing Isokinetic Protocol in Recreational Overhead Athletes"
    Sebastian Klich, Adam Kawczy?ski, Bogdan Pietraszewski, Matteo Zago, Aiguo Chen, Ma?gorzata Smoter, Hamidollah Hassanlouei, Nicola Lovecchio
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 18, 2021
  5. "Mechanisms for the age-related increase in fatigability of the knee extensors in old and very old adults"
    Christopher W. Sundberg, Andrew Kuplic, Hamidollah Hassanlouei, Sandra K. Hunter
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 125, pp.146-158, 2018
  6. "Effect of chronic idiopathic low back pain on the kinetic gait characteristics in different foot masks"
    Shirin Yazdani, Elnaz Dizji, Farzaneh Alizadeh, Hamidollah Hassanlouei
    JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, Vol. 79, pp.243-247, 2018
  7. "Physical activity modulates corticospinal excitability of the lower limb in young and old adults"
    Hamidollah Hassanlouei, Christopher W. Sundberg, Ashleigh E. Smith, Andrew Kuplic, Sandra K. Hunter
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 123, pp.364-374, 2017
  8. "Voluntary activation and variability during maximal dynamic contractions with aging"
    Vianney Rozand, Jonathon W. Senefeld, Hamidollah Hassanlouei, Sandra K. Hunter
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 117, pp.2493-2507, 2017
  9. "Effect of exercise-induced fatigue on postural control of the knee"
    Hamidollah Hassanlouei, L. Arendt-Nielsen, U.G. Kersting, D. Falla
  10. "Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness Alters the Response to Postural Perturbations"
    MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Vol. 43, pp.1010-1016, 2010
  11. ""
    Zeinab Hatami Bahman Begloo, Alireza Farsi, Hamidollah Hassanlouei, tilp markus
    Vol. 6, pp.161-178, 2021
  12. ""
    Zeinab Hatami Bahman Begloo, Alireza Farsi, Hamidollah Hassanlouei, tilp markus
    Vol. 6, pp.1-9, 2021
  13. "The Relationship Between Psychological Characteristics with Social Loafing in Elite Rowers"
    Fatemeh Seyed Mousavai, Alireza Farsi, Hamidollah Hassanlouei, Behrouz Abdoli
    pp.1-10, 2021
  14. "The relationship between emotional intelligence and mental toughness with the social loafing of elite rowers"
    Fatemeh Seyed Mousavai, Alireza Farsi, Hamidollah Hassanlouei, Behrouz Abdoli
    pp.1-14, 2021