Mohsen Farzaneh

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-13

Mohsen Farzaneh

Medicinal Plants and Drugs Research Institute /

Master Theses

  1. The Effect of different drying methods on phytochemical compounds of Althea rosea (L.) var. nigra
    Abbas Ghorbani 2024
  2. The effect of biocomposite containing nanoemulsion of plant essential oil on the development of the storage life of bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) fruit
    Masomeh Qorbankhani 2024
  3. The use of O3 in disinfecting and reducing the microbial load of some tannin rich fruits
    Zahrasadat Hojatnajafi 2024
  4. Interaction Effect of Water Deficit Stress and Nanosilicon on Phytochemical and Morphophysiological Traits of Cannabis sativa L.
    Ayyub Rezghiyan kordkandi 2024
  5. Possibility of maintaining the quality and shelf life of pepper fruit in the post-harvest stage by using natural coating containing nanoemulsions of essential oils of some medicinal plants
    Zahra Khodabakhsh 2023
  6. Evaluation of amino acid and potassium humate in combination with horsetail plant extract on morphological and agronomical characteristics of basil (Ocimum basilicum)
    Khodabakhsh Goodarzvand Chegini 2023
  7. The effect of different growing media and harvesting time on the morphological, functional and phytochemical traits of the Centella asiatica L. under hydroponic cultivation conditions
    Yasamin Madadi 2023
  8. Evaluation of metabolic and biological potency of isolated endophytic fungi from Linum album
    Mohammadjavad Zamanpour 2023
  9. The effect of ozone on disinfection and phytochemical properties of some herbs
    Farahnaz Ramezani 2023
  10. Study of morphological and phytochemical characteristics of some milk thistle (Sylibum maryanum L.) cultivars seed in Iran
    Mahdi Bagheri 2023
  11. Proteolysis of wheat gluten to enhance functional properties and compare different digestion methods
    Mahmood Hoshyar 2022

  12. Arezoo Rezaei 2022
  13. Study of the rhizobacteria and endophytic fungi from Cannabis sativa and their effects on the plant growth and metabolites content
    Aytak Zarei shahrak 2022
  14. Study of protease activity of Aspergillus oryzae isolates in hydrolysis of wheat gluten and the effect of hydrolyzed gluten on phytochemical properties and yield of tarragon
    Fatemeh Karaminezhad 2022
  15. Optimization of Glycyrrhiza glabra cell culture conditions and its interaction with plant endophytic fungus in the production of glabridin
    Parisa Bahadoriganjabadi 2022
  16. Study of the effect of Iranian leonardite sources and their humic acids on growth factors and phytochemical properties of aloe vera
    Ali Nafisi 2022
  17. The effect of essential oils and extracts of some medicinal plants in combination with natural polymers and polysaccharides to improve post-harvest storage of tomato fruit
    Simin Bahraminejad 2022

  18. Mina Pourshah 2022

  19. Farnoosh Arafati 2021
  20. The study of centelloside production in transformed hairy roots culture of centella asiatica
    Zeynab Razzaghi 2021
  21. Production of glabridine by endophytic fungi and bacteria of licorice root
    Ali Esmaeeli 2021
  22. In vitro study of Hydrocotyle ranunculoides to produce triterpenoids
    Maedeh Kordzadeh 2020
  23. Study of tanshinons production whith hairy root culture of salvia miltiorrhiza
    Fahimeh Rastegarnejad 2020

  24. Samira Samadzadeh 2019

  25. Morteza Parvandi 2018


  27. Ali Bahrami 2018

  28. Mehdi Majidi 2018

  29. Mahboobe Shahvardi 2017

  30. Nasibeh Golbarari 2016

  31. Mohammad Farham 2015

  32. Mohsen Najafi Sisakht 2015

  33. Ali Karimi 2014

  34. Farzaneh Seyfi 2014

  35. Maryam Fallah 2014

  36. Fatemeh Aghamohseni 2014

  37. Najma Farahani 2013