Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-13
Mohsen Farzaneh
Medicinal Plants and Drugs Research Institute /
Master Theses
The Effect of different drying methods on phytochemical compounds of Althea rosea (L.) var. nigra
Abbas Ghorbani 2024 -
The effect of biocomposite containing nanoemulsion of plant essential oil on the development of the storage life of bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) fruit
Masomeh Qorbankhani 2024 -
The use of O3 in disinfecting and reducing the microbial load of some tannin rich fruits
Zahrasadat Hojatnajafi 2024 -
Interaction Effect of Water Deficit Stress and Nanosilicon on Phytochemical and Morphophysiological Traits of Cannabis sativa L.
Ayyub Rezghiyan kordkandi 2024 -
Possibility of maintaining the quality and shelf life of pepper fruit in the post-harvest stage by using natural coating containing nanoemulsions of essential oils of some medicinal plants
Zahra Khodabakhsh 2023 -
Evaluation of amino acid and potassium humate in combination with horsetail plant extract on morphological and agronomical characteristics of basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Khodabakhsh Goodarzvand Chegini 2023 -
The effect of different growing media and harvesting time on the morphological, functional and phytochemical traits of the Centella asiatica L. under hydroponic cultivation conditions
Yasamin Madadi 2023 -
Evaluation of metabolic and biological potency of isolated endophytic fungi from Linum album
Mohammadjavad Zamanpour 2023 -
The effect of ozone on disinfection and phytochemical properties of some herbs
Farahnaz Ramezani 2023 -
Study of morphological and phytochemical characteristics of some milk thistle (Sylibum maryanum L.) cultivars seed in Iran
Mahdi Bagheri 2023 -
Proteolysis of wheat gluten to enhance functional properties and compare different digestion methods
Mahmood Hoshyar 2022 -
Arezoo Rezaei 2022 -
Study of the rhizobacteria and endophytic fungi from Cannabis sativa and their effects on the plant growth and metabolites content
Aytak Zarei shahrak 2022 -
Study of protease activity of Aspergillus oryzae isolates in hydrolysis of wheat gluten and the effect of hydrolyzed gluten on phytochemical properties and yield of tarragon
Fatemeh Karaminezhad 2022 -
Optimization of Glycyrrhiza glabra cell culture conditions and its interaction with plant endophytic fungus in the production of glabridin
Parisa Bahadoriganjabadi 2022 -
Study of the effect of Iranian leonardite sources and their humic acids on growth factors and phytochemical properties of aloe vera
Ali Nafisi 2022 -
The effect of essential oils and extracts of some medicinal plants in combination with natural polymers and polysaccharides to improve post-harvest storage of tomato fruit
Simin Bahraminejad 2022 -
Mina Pourshah 2022 -
Farnoosh Arafati 2021 -
The study of centelloside production in transformed hairy roots culture of centella asiatica
Zeynab Razzaghi 2021 -
Production of glabridine by endophytic fungi and bacteria of licorice root
Ali Esmaeeli 2021 -
In vitro study of Hydrocotyle ranunculoides to produce triterpenoids
Maedeh Kordzadeh 2020 -
Study of tanshinons production whith hairy root culture of salvia miltiorrhiza
Fahimeh Rastegarnejad 2020 -
Samira Samadzadeh 2019 -
Morteza Parvandi 2018 -
Ali Bahrami 2018 -
Mehdi Majidi 2018 -
Mahboobe Shahvardi 2017 -
Nasibeh Golbarari 2016 -
Mohammad Farham 2015 -
Mohsen Najafi Sisakht 2015 -
Ali Karimi 2014 -
Farzaneh Seyfi 2014 -
Maryam Fallah 2014 -
Fatemeh Aghamohseni 2014 -
Najma Farahani 2013