Saeed Ghanbari

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-13

Saeed Ghanbari

Education and Psychology / Psychology

Journal Paper

  1. "the relationship between differentiation and its demensions with social adjustment"
    Jassem Jahandideh, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Saeed Ghanbari, Taghi Pourebrahim
    Journal of Research and Health,
  2. "The Character strengths predictive of responsibility in adolescents"
    Zahra Khosrojerdi, Mahmood Heidari, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahla Pakdaman
    international journal of behavioral sciences,
  3. "the relationships between differentation and it s dimentions with social adjustment"
    Abolghasem Khosh konesh, , Saeed Ghanbari
    Journal of Research and Health,
  4. "The role of mindfulness and spiritual intelligence in students mental health"
    , Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad, Ebrahim Nemati, Saeed Ghanbari
    Journal of Research and Health,
  5. "Examining factorial validity of the student-teacher relationship scale in the Iranian educational setting"
    Elahe Vahidi, Saeed Ghanbari, helma koomen, Saeid Akbari zardkhaneh, marjolein zee
    Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 72, 2022
  6. "The relationship between mentalization and borderline personality features in adolescents: mediating role of emotion regulation"
    Elahe Vahidi, Saeed Ghanbari, Samaneh Behzadpoor
    International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, Vol. 26, pp.284-293, 2021
  7. "Psychometric properties of the prenatal-parental reflective functioning questionnaire in Iranian mothers and fathers"
    Elahe Vahidi, Saeed Ghanbari, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Farzaneh Safari
  8. "Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ): Psychometric Properties of the Persian Translation and Exploration of Its Mediating Role in the Relationship between Attachment to Parents and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Adolescents"
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Elahe Vahidi, Saeed Ghanbari, Saba Khoshroo, Seyyede Zoha Sakkaki
    Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Vol. 20, pp.1-18, 2021
  9. "Investigating the role of gender moderator in the effectiveness of the Iranian positive youth development package on the components of social- emotional health"
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
    Iranian Journal of Health Psychology, Vol. 4, pp.29-46, 2021
  10. "Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Persian version of Children's Behavior Questionnaire in Iranian children"
    golnoosh golmohammadi, talieh zarifian, Saeed Ghanbari, enayatollah bakhshi, farhad sakhai
    CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. ., pp.1-13, 2020
  11. "The Effectiveness of Painting Therapy on Emotional-Behavioral Problems of Children with Cancer"
    Seyedehshahrzad Hejri, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Seddighe Sadat Mirzaei
    Iranian Journal of Health Psychology, Vol. 3, pp.9-18, 2020
  12. "The mental representation of attachment and narrative coherencein children with and without externalizing disorders"
    fatemeh matinkhah, shole amiri, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    Early Child Development and Care, Vol. 190, pp.2543-2550, 2019
  13. "The Effectiveness of Attachment-based Parent Training Method on Anxiety Syndrome in Preschool Children"
    Saeed Ghanbari, Mohammad_karim Khodapanahi, Masood gholamali-lavasani, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Reyhane Rezapoorfaridian
    international journal of behavioral sciences, Vol. 12, pp.9-17, 2018
  14. "The Role of Anxiety in Executive Functions of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Mathematical Learning Disability Comorbidity"
    Neda Nazar Boland, NARGES ABEDINZADEH, Saeed Ghanbari
    Journal of Neurodevelopmental Cognition, pp.1-11, 2018
  15. ""
    Ebrahim Nemati, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad, Fahimeh Ahmadian, sepideh soltan mohammadlo, Saeed Ghanbari
    Journal of Research and Health, Vol. 7, pp.594-602, 2017
  16. "the relation between marital adjustment and posttraumatic growth in infertile couples the mediatory role of religious coping strategies"
    Seyyedefateme Ghafoorisabzevari, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 4, pp.221-229, 2016
  17. "The comparison of tendency to risky behavior in secure/insecure attachment in parents"
    Minoo Pooravari, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Leili Panaghi,
    International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 2, pp.7-14, 2015
  18. "The role of internet addiction in parent-child relationship among highschool girls"
    , , Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Saeed Ghanbari
    International journal of Psychology and Behavioral Research, Vol. 1, pp.859-870, 2014
  19. ""
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
  20. "The Relation between Marital Conflicts and Loneliness in Children the mediating role of Mother s Depression"
    Bahareh Anjom Shoaa, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
  21. ""
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
  22. ""
    Jalil Fath Abadi, Elham Kooshki, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari
  23. ""
    Naeemeh Talaeinejad, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Asgari
  24. ""
    , Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology,
  25. ""
    Bahareh Anjomshoaa, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology,
  26. ""
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
  27. "Emotional and Educational supports in the classroom: The efficacy of the training package of "positive education" for teachers"
    Mohammad Hossein Sharifian, Omid Shekari, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi
  28. ""
    Habibeh Kholghi, Saeed Ghanbari, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad
  29. ""
    Elham Kooshki, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi
  30. "The Effects of Mother-Child Discourse in Externalizing Problems, the Negative Mental Representation of Mother and Child, and the Narrative Coherence of Children With Externalizing Problems"
    fatemeh matin khah, sholeh amiri, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 11, pp.1-8, 2021
  31. ""
    Arezoo Fallah, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 23, pp.134-146, 2021
  32. ""
    Seyyede Zoha Sakkaki, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari, Soudeh Aghamohammadi
    Vol. 22, pp.115-124, 2021
  33. ""
    Zahra Khosrojerdi, Mahmood Heidari, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahla Pakdaman
    Vol. 6, pp.92-107, 2021
  34. ""
    fatemeh ebrahimi, seyed kazem rasoulzadeh tabatabai, Saeed Ghanbari, Karineh Ktahmassian
    Vol. 18, pp.119-127, 2020
  35. ""
    Zahra Khosrojerdi, Mahmood Heidari, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahla Pakdaman
    Vol. 14, pp.223-243, 2020
  36. ""
    Zahra Khosrojerdi, Mahmood Heidari, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahla Pakdaman
    Vol. 5, pp.77-92, 2020
  37. "A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Penn Resilience Program (PRP) in Reducing Psychological Distress and Improving Explanatory Style in Students"
    Elham Kooshki, Omid Shekari, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 7, pp.9-22, 2020
  38. "The Model of Causal Relationships of Antecedents and Consequences of Health-Oriented Academic Lifestyle in girl Gifted Students"
    Sahar Soufi, Omid Shekari, Jalil Fath Abadi, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 9, pp.35-71, 2019
  39. ""
    Fateme Kalantari, Saeed Ghanbari, mojtaba habibi, Ebrahim Alizadeh
    Vol. 13, pp.293-310, 2019
  40. ""
    Mohammad Hossein Sharifian, Jalil Fath Abadi, Omid Shekari, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 18, pp.765-772, 2019
  41. "Psychometric Properties of Relationship Problems Questioner for diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder in Children 2 to 5 Years old"
    Azam Heshmati, Sholeh Amiri, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 65, pp.1-8, 2019
  42. ""
    Parvaneh Sabzevari, Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland, Haniyeh Lavaf
    Vol. 7, pp.31-50, 2018
  43. ""
    , karineh tahmasian, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    Vol. 14, pp.419-433, 2018
  44. ""
    Fateme Kalantari, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad, Saeed Ghanbari, Ebrahim Alizadeh
    Vol. 2, pp.31-59, 2018
  45. ""
    klantari fatemeh , Saeed Ghanbari, Iraj Mokhtarnia
    Vol. 3, pp.225-239, 2017
  46. "The role of marital satisfaction with the mediation of maternal care quality in predicting children's internalizing and externalizing problems"
    Saeed Ghanbari, Zeynab Esmayili, Taghi Pourebrahim, Habibe Kholghi
    Vol. 7, pp.55-70, 2017
  47. ""
    Haniyeh Lavaf, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.413-425, 2016
  48. ""
    Bahareh Anjomshoaa, Saeed Ghanbari, Hajar Falahzade, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    Vol. 22, pp.58-66, 2016
  49. ""
    , , Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad
    Vol. 3, pp.119-126, 2016
  50. ""
    , Saeed Ghanbari, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, ali asgari
    Vol. 12, pp.225-235, 2016
  51. ""
    Haniyeh Lavaf, Saeed Ghanbari, Omid Shekari
    Vol. 12, pp.413-425, 2016
  52. ""
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 21, pp.327-337, 2016
  53. ""
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 21, pp.327-337, 2016
  54. "The effectiveness of group training of attachment-based intervention of mothers in reducing symptoms of separation anxiety of preschoolers"
    Naeemeh Talaeinejad, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 9, pp.37-46, 2015
  55. ""
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Saeed Ghanbari, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani
    Vol. 17, pp.90-104, 2015
  56. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, , Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol. 17, pp.90-104, 2015
  57. ""
    Habibeh Kholghi, Saeed Ghanbari, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad
    Vol. 4, pp.307-315, 2015
  58. ""
    Minoo Pooravari, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Leili Panaghi
    Vol. 8, pp.47-56, 2014
  59. ""
    Haniyeh Lavaf, Omid Shekari, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 1, pp.3-18, 2014
  60. ""
    Mohammad Karim Khoda Panahi, Saeed Ghanbari, Rouhollah Mansouri Sepehr, ,
    Vol. 6, pp.100-113, 2014
  61. ""
    Seyedhadi Seyedalitabar, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad
    Vol. 10, pp.113-126, 2014
  62. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari,
    Vol. 11, pp.115-117, 2014
  63. ""
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Saeed Ghanbari
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 8, pp.97-115, 2014
  64. ""
    , Saeed Ghanbari, Mahmood Heidari
    Vol. 17, pp.401-419, 2014
  65. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Mohammad Karim Khoda Panahi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani,
    Vol. 9, pp.407-426, 2014
  66. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, , ,
    Vol. 10, pp.29-38, 2013
  67. ""
    , Saeed Ghanbari, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad
    pp.632-635, 2013
  68. ""
    Parisa Sadat Seyedmousavi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 8, pp.373-383, 2012
  69. ""
    Mohammad Karim Khoda Panahi, Saeed Ghanbari, ,
    Vol. 9, pp.5-13, 2012
  70. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Mohammad Karim Khoda Panahi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani,
    Vol. 15, pp.322-335, 2012
  71. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Maryam Khanmohammadi, Mohammad Karim Khoda Panahi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani,
    Vol. 15, pp.222-234, 2011
  72. ""
    Shahla Pakdaman, , Saeed Ghanbari,
    Vol. 6, pp.10-25, 2011
  73. ""
    Shahla Pakdaman, Parisa Sadat Seyedmousavi, Saeed Ghanbari,
    Vol. 6, pp.15-38, 2011
  74. ""
    Parisa Sadat Seyedmousavi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 15, pp.147-162, 2011
  75. ""
    Shahla Pakdaman, , Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 5, pp.85-100, 2011
  76. ""
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Saeed Ghanbari
     JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Vol. 4, pp.163-170, 2010
  77. ""
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 6, pp.137-160, 2010
  78. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi
  79. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi
    Vol. 14, pp.357-369, 2010
  80. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi
    Vol. 4, pp.72-84, 2010
  81. ""
    Shahla Pakdaman, Parisa Sadat Seyedmousavi, Saeed Ghanbari
  82. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi
     JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Vol. 4, pp.135-140, 2010
  83. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi
  84. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi
     JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Vol. 3, pp.167-172, 2009
  85. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi
     JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, Vol. 3, pp.301-310, 2009
  86. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari
    Vol. 13, pp.37-50, 2008

Conference Paper

  1. "Do Brain/behavioral Systems Mediate the Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Executive Functions?"
    Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland, Fatemeh Nepton
    26th European Congress of Psychiatry, 2018
    NARGES ABEDINZADEH, Neda Nazar Boland, Saeed Ghanbari, Mitra Hakim Shooshtari
    7th International Conference of Cognitive Science, pp.98-98, 2017
  3. "attachment trust communication and alienation between parents and adolesents examining the role of fathers in predicting internalizing and externalizing syndrome"
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Saeed Ghanbari
    3th international congress on interpersonal acceptance and rejection, 2010
  4. "Relationship between parental acceptance-rejection and God concept among muslim students"
    Parisa Sadat Seyedmousavi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    3th international congress on interpersonal acceptance and rejection, 2010
  5. "Evaluation of parental acceptance-rejection theory in Iran"
    Parisa Sadat Seyedmousavi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    3th international congress on interpersonal acceptance and rejection, pp.45-45, 2010
  6. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari
    The 5th Asia - Pasific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference APIEMS 2004, 2004
  7. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland
    The 5th Asia - Pasific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference APIEMS 2004, 2004
  8. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari
    The 5th Asia - Pasific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference APIEMS 2004, 2004
  9. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari
    The 5th Asia - Pasific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference APIEMS 2004, 2004
  10. ""
    Zahra Khosrojerdi, Mahmood Heidari, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahla Pakdaman
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, 2019
  11. ""
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, 2019
  12. "Identifying the components of positive adolescent development in Iranian society"
    Sahar Pahlavan Neshan, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeed Ghanbari, Shahriar Shahidi, Omid Shekari
    The first Iranian congress of positive psychology, No 1 , pp.1-1, 2019
  13. ""
    Mitra Badiee, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    , 2018
  14. ""
    Maryam Fathi, Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh, Saeed Ghanbari
    , pp.63-63, 2018
  15. "comparing the emotional competencies in preschool children with/without sibling"
    Seyyede Zoha Sakkaki, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari
    , pp.55-55, 2018
  16. "Efficacy of mindfulness based cognitive therapy of adolescent on decreasing frequency and intensity of parent-adolescent conflict"
    karineh tahmasian, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    , No 1 , pp.1-12, 2018
  17. "Efficacy of mindful parenting on parental stress and parental self-efficacy of mothers with high conflict adolescents"
    Karineh Tahmasian, Saeed Ghanbari, Jalil Fath Abadi
    2nd national conference on the status and role of mother, No 1 , pp.504-517, 2018
  18. ""
    Fateme Yavari, Hajar Falahzade, Saeed Ghanbari, Abolghasem Khosh konesh
    , 2017
  19. ""
    Maryam Ghasemisahebi, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Naieme Talaienezhad
    , 2016
  20. ""
    Maryam Ghasemisahebi, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani
    , 2015
  21. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari
    , 2015
  22. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad
    , No 1 , pp.7-9, 2015
  23. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland
    , 2015
  24. ""
    Maryam Sarajan, Saeed Ghanbari, Taghi Pourebrahim, Bahareh Anjomshoaa
    , 2015
  25. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari
    , 2015
  26. ""
    Parvaneh Sabzevari, Saeed Ghanbari, Neda Nazar Boland
    , 2015
  27. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari
    , 2015
  28. ""
    Maryam Sarajan, Saeed Ghanbari, Taghi Pourebrahim, Bahareh Anjomshoaa
    , 2015
  29. ""
    Elahe Sadeghi, Neda Nazar Boland, Saeed Ghanbari
    , 2015
  30. ""
    Zeinab Esmaeili, Saeed Ghanbari, Taghi Pourebrahim
    , pp.1-11, 2014
  31. "psychometric properties of separation anxiety assessment scale (parent version)"
    Naeemeh Talaeinejad, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Asgari
    The second international anxiety congress, No 3 , pp.1-1, 2014
  32. ""
    Hadi Mohamadlo, Saeed Ghanbari
    , 2014
  33. ""
    Minoo Pooravari, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Leili Panaghi
    , 2014
  34. ""
    Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Saeed Ghanbari
    , 2014
  35. ""
    Marzieh Gerami, Abolghasem Khosh konesh, Leili Panaghi, Saeed Ghanbari
    , 2014
  36. "Effectiveness of attachment based intervention using video feedback method on decreasing negative representations and separation anxiety of preschool children"
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Saeed Ghanbari, Mohammad ali Mazaheri tehrani
    , 2014
  37. ""
    Minoo Pooravari, Saeed Ghanbari, Ali Zadeh mohammadi, Leili Panaghi
    , No 1 , pp.139-144, 2013
  38. ""
    Zahra Noori, Saeed Ghanbari, Mojtaba Habibi Asgar Abad
    , No 1 , pp.632-635, 2013
  39. ""
    Saeed Ghanbari, Shahla Pakdaman
    , 2010
  40. ""
    Parisa sadat Seyed mousavi, Saeed Ghanbari
    the 3nd national congress on family pathology, 2008