Assistant Professor
Update: 2025-03-12
Zohair Siamian Gorji
Literature and Humanities / History
Master Theses
Social history of Damascus in the sixth century AH based on the book history of Damascus by ibn asakir
Mohammad Tuderusta 2023 -
The Representations of Salah ad-Din in the medieval islamic and christian historiography
Iman Fakhri Joshani 2023 -
the represent of Yazid ibn muawiya in islamic historiography up to 4th century based on history of Tabari
Atiyeh Izadbin 2022 -
The Foundations of the Idea of Religious Rule in the Thought of Islamist Iranian and Egyptian Thinkers in the First Half of the Twentieth Century)Allameh Naeini, Seyyed Ruhollah Khomeini, Seyyed Mahmoud Taleghani, Seyyed Qotb, Hassan al-Banna, Rashid Reza)
the cultural history of lifetime in Islamic Iran based on traditional sources
Maryam Berism 2021 -
The social history of the Shiite elites in the early Islamic centuries, relying rijal keshi
Hossein Mohseni 2021 -
Recognition of the Sassanid History from the Viewpoint of Ibn Aitra
Reza Zahedi 2020 -
The position of Badr and Badrin in the culture and society of the early Muslims
Amin Madadi 2020 -
Fatemeh Ramezanpour 2019 -
Dinevari historiography in akhbaar al teval
Maryam Farmani 2019 -
The prosess of spreading Islam in the Balkans of during in early Ottoman period (1354-1600 )
Ramin Kazemi moradloo 2019 -
Reinterpretation of Tarikh-e Balami
Sedigheh Rahimi Ghazvini 2019 -
Arash Emami 2018 -
Mohammad Jalal Makhani 2018 -
MARYAM Ghorban Zadeh 2017 -
Maryam Abdoljavaddastjerdi 2017 -
Hadis Darvishi 2017 -
Omid Shakouri 2017 -
Vahid Niknampoor 2016